Hello DHS experts,
I want to do a pooled analysis of BDHS 2007, 2011 and 2014 (KR file for children). As per forum discussion, during regression analysis of pooled data, I need to de-nomalize the sampling weight. I did this using
gen wgt = weight_all *** weight_all = v005/1000000(Total number of households during each survey year/sample households in each survey) and append three surveys data
gen psu = cluster *** each survey clusters are unique eg. 2007_1, 2011_1 and so on
svyset psu, weight(wgt) strata(strat) , singleunit(centered) || _n *** each survey strata are unique
When I fitted weighted logistic regression, after adjusting weight this way, I found:
svy: logit y x
Number of strata = 63 Number of obs = 19,896
Number of PSUs = 1,561 Population size = 44,882,311
Could anyone please suggest that the process is correct? Is the population size reliable or not?
Thank you very much.