Dear DHS experts,
I am using the Bangladesh DHS 2011 Household members data files. I want to select children 12 to 15 years of age attending 6th grade (for 12 years-old) and completing 6 or more years of education (for 13-15 years-old). I am using HV124 (Education in single years-current school year) variable as the appropriate education variable. I am providing the Stata code for this calculation:
gen finished_primary=0
replace finished_primary=1 if hv124==6 & hv105 == 12
replace finished_primary=1 if hv124>=6 & hv105 >= 13 & hv105 <=15
I want to know am I doing it correctly in Stata? Is HV124 the correct variable to use for this purpose? If not which education variable should I use?
Thank you in advance.