See the below code:
use "GHPR70FL.DTA", clear
* create variable for stunting and set it to missing
gen stunted = .
* set to 0 (Not stunted) if it has a valid measure
replace stunted = 0 if hc70 < 9990
* set to 1 (Stunted) if it is less than -2 SD (data are stored with two implied decimal places, and thus appear as -200)
replace stunted = 1 if hc70 < -200
* tabulate stunting for children under age 60 months who stayed in the household the previous night and have valid measures
tab stunted if hc1 < 60 & hv103==1 & hc70 < 9990 [iw=hv005/1000000]
You would use the same approach for wasting and underweight.