determinants of neonatal mortality [message #29270] |
Thu, 16 May 2024 16:49  |
Messages: 8 Registered: March 2024
Member |
After running my logistic regression on Stata using ZDHS 2018, my independent variables, i.e., socioeconomic and demographic variables, are coming out as insignificant. what could be the problem. the following is my do file
gen wt= v005/1000000
egen strata=group(v024 v025)
svyset [pw=wt], psu(v001) strata(strata)
* create a child Alive or Died variable using the b5 variable
gen alive=b5
lab def alive 0 "Died" 1 "Alive"
lab val alive alive
lab var alive "Alive or Died by the time of survey"
*** Age at death using variables b6 and b5
gen age_death=.
replace age_death = 1 if b6<=130 & b5==0
replace age_death = 0 if (b6> 130 & b6<=333) | b5==1
lab def age_death 1 "Neonatal Death" 0 "Survived Neonatal Period"
lab val age_death age_death
lab var age_death "neonatalmortality"
*1. age of woman in years( grouped into 1524, 2534, 35+)**
recode v013(1/2=0 "15-24") (3/4=1 "25-34") (5/7=2 "35+"), gen(agegroup)
label var agegroup "Age Group"
ta agegroup,m
*2. household wealth index (categorized into poorest/poorer, middle and richer/richest)**
recode v190(1/2=0 "Poor") (3=1 "Middle") (4/5=2 "Rich"), gen(wealthindex)
label var wealthindex "Wealth Index 1"
ta wealthindex,m
*3. education level
recode v106(0=0 "no education") (1=1 "primary") (2=2 "secondary") (3=3 "tertiary"), gen(edulevel)
ta edulevel, m
*4. place of residence (urban or rural)***
ta v025
*5. Antenatal care
recode m14(0/3=0 "<4 anc visits") (4/12=1 "4+ anc visits") (. 98=2 "missing"), gen(anc)
drop if anc==2
**6. exposure to the mass media (grouped into; frequency of reading newspaper, listening to radio and watching television)**
for var v157 v158 v159: recode X .=0
gen media = v157+v158+v159
recode media (0=0 "No access/exposure") (1/9=1 "Access to media/exposed"), gen(media_exposure)
ta media_exposure, m
**7. sex of child**
ta b4
**8. birth interval*
recode b11(8/23=0 "<= 23 months") (24/35=1 "24-34 months") (36/47=2 "36-47 months") (48/251=3 ">= 48 months") (.=4 "missing"), gen(birth_interval)
drop if birth_interval==4
**9. birth order**
recode bord(1=0 "1st") (2=1 "2nd") (3=2 "3rd") (else=3 "4 or more"), gen(birth_order)
* descriptive analysis
************************************************************ ********
**A. UNIVARIATE ANALYSIS*********************************
tabout v025 anc birth_interval birth_order media_exposure b4 wealthindex agegroup edulevel neonatal using Table1.xls, c(col) oneway svy nwt(wt) per pop append
**B. BIVARIATE ANALYSIS/CROSSTABS AND CHI SQUARE TEST**********************************
tabout v025 anc birth_interval birth_order media_exposure b4 wealthindex agegroup edulevel neonatal using Table2.xls, c(row ci) stats(chi2) svy nwt(wt) per pop replace
**C. LOGISTIC REGRESSION ANALYSIS*****************************
svy: logistic neonatal i.v025 i.anc i.birth_interval i.birth_order i.media_exposure i.b4 i.wealthindex i.agegroup i.edulevel, base
outreg2 using Table3.xls, eform stats(coef ci) sideway dec(2) label(insert) alpha(0.05) replace
Re: determinants of neonatal mortality [message #30713 is a reply to message #30692] |
Fri, 24 January 2025 08:18  |
Messages: 938 Registered: April 2022
Senior Member |
Following is a response from DHS staff member, Tom Pullum:
Male mortality is higher than female mortality at nearly all ages and in nearly all contexts. Female life expectancy is usually several years longer than male life expectancy. (Historically, when maternal mortality was much higher, that was not the case.) There are many potential explanations and there is a large literature on this difference.