crosstab float(1) t3081 hv024a+hv024b+hv024c+hv024d+hv024e+hv024f+total colt308+numwom exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {+US} title( "Table A.3.7.1 Health insurance coverage: Women","", "Percentage of women age 15-49 with specific types of health", "insurance coverage, according to province,", "Indonesia 2012" ) stub ( "Province" ); crosstab float(1) t3082 hv024a+hv024b+hv024c+hv024d+hv024e+hv024f+total colt308+numman exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {+US} title( "Table A.3.7.2 Health insurance coverage: Men","", "Percentage of married men age 15-54 with specific types of health", "insurance coverage, according to province,", "Indonesia 2012" ) stub ( "Province" ); {US+} {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} total = 0; totnum2 = 1; totnum4 = 1; totnum5 = 1; totnum8 = 1; numwom = 1; numman = 1; totnump1 = 2; totnump2 = 2; totnmed2 = 2; totnmed4 = 2; maxeduc = 15; unweight = ( sysparm()[1:1] = "U" ); { 0-Weighted, 1-unweighted } {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Table 3.8.1 processing } jtot = tblcol( t3081 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t3081[*,j] = t3081[*,j] * 100 / t3081[*,jtot]; enddo; { Table 3.8.2 processing } jtot = tblcol( t3082 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t3082[*,j] = t3082[*,j] * 100 / t3082[*,jtot]; enddo; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} if HV024 in 11:21 then hv024A = HV024; elseif HV024 in 31:36 then hv024B = HV024; elseif HV024 in 51:53 then hv024C = HV024; elseif HV024 in 61:64 then hv024D = HV024; elseif HV024 in 71:76 then hv024E = HV024; elseif HV024 in 81:94 then hv024F = HV024; endif; if HV015 <> 1 then skip case endif; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Table 3.8.1 } insuran = 0; numwom = notappl; { social security } if V481C = 1 then colt308 = 1; xtab( t3081, rweight ); insuran = insuran + 1; endif; { health insurance through employer } if V481B = 1 then colt308 = 2; xtab( t3081, rweight ); insuran = insuran + 1; endif; { mutual health organization } if V481A = 1 then colt308 = 3; xtab( t3081, rweight ); insuran = insuran + 1; endif; { privately purchased } if V481D = 1 then colt308 = 4; xtab( t3081, rweight ); insuran = insuran + 1; endif; { other } if V481E = 1 | V481F = 1 | V481G = 1 | V481H = 1 | V481X = 1 then colt308 = 5; xtab( t3081, rweight ); insuran = insuran + 1; endif; { none } if insuran = 0 then colt308 = 6; xtab( t3081, rweight ); endif; { number of women } colt308 = notappl; numwom = 1; xtab( t3081, rweight ); {--------------------------------------------------------------} { Table 3.8.2 } insuran = 0; numman = notappl; { social security } if MV481C = 1 then colt308 = 1; xtab( t3082, rweight ); insuran = insuran + 1; endif; { health insurance through employer } if MV481B = 1 then colt308 = 2; xtab( t3082, rweight ); insuran = insuran + 1; endif; { mutual health organization } if MV481A = 1 then colt308 = 3; xtab( t3082, rweight ); insuran = insuran + 1; endif; { privately purchased } if MV481D = 1 then colt308 = 4; xtab( t3082, rweight ); insuran = insuran + 1; endif; { other } if MV481E = 1 | MV481F = 1 | MV481G = 1 | MV481H = 1 | MV481X = 1 then colt308 = 5; xtab( t3082, rweight ); insuran = insuran + 1; endif; { none } if insuran = 0 then colt308 = 6; xtab( t3082, rweight ); endif; { number of men } colt308 = notappl; numman = 1; xtab( t3082, rweight );