Family Structure [message #27602] |
Sun, 10 September 2023 01:17 |
Messages: 2 Registered: April 2023
Member |
I have come across numerous helpful responses regarding the creation of family or household structures using the Person file (PR file) from DHS data. However, this approach typically involves using the 'collapse' command in Stata, which removes other variables from the dataset and ultimately leads to the household sample size.
I would like to inquire if it is possible to create a family structure, taking into account the age and sex of the members, using the Household file (HR).
Thank you in advance for your assistance and insights.
Re: Family Structure [message #27609 is a reply to message #27602] |
Mon, 11 September 2023 12:24 |
Messages: 3199 Registered: February 2013
Senior Member |
Following is a response from Senior DHS staff member, Tom Pullum:
Yes, it is possible to construct measures of household structure from the HR file, but in Stata it is clumsier. Below I will paste an example using the PR file and "egen total" rather than "collapse". It then goes to one record per household by keeping the PR record for the household head (hv101=1). This will keep all the household-level variables (usually hv2*).
Or, with the "collapse" approach, you could include "(first) hv2*", for example, in the collapse command, and this would keep the hv2* variables from the first person in the household. (That's the person with hvidx=1, and in most surveys, including IA7E, the NFHS-5, that's always the household head.) Let us know if you have other questions about how to do this.
* Identify households with this structure:
* Spouse of head not present; children of head present; all children of head are unmarried
* Household structure is defined entirely in terms of de jure household members (hv102=1)
* head: hv101==1; spouse, hv101==2, child: hv101==3
* unmarried: hv115==0
use "...IAPR7EFL.DTA", clear
keep if hv102==1
gen spouse=0
replace spouse=1 if hv101==2
gen child=0
replace child=1 if hv101==3
gen unmarried_child=0
replace unmarried_child=1 if hv101==3 & hv115==0
egen nspouse =total(spouse), by(hv024 hv001 hv002)
egen nchild =total(child), by(hv024 hv001 hv002)
egen nunmarried_child=total(unmarried_child), by(hv024 hv001 hv002)
* reduce to one line per household
keep if hv101==1
drop spouse child unmarried_child
gen sex_of_head=hv104
gen age_of_head=hv105
gen spouse_absent=0
replace spouse_absent=1 if nspouse==0
rename nchild nchildren
rename nunmarried_child nunmarried_children
gen nmarried_children=nchildren-nunmarried_children
* The households with the desired structure will be those with
* spouse_absent=1, nchildren>0, and nmarried_children=0.
tab sex_of_head spouse_absent if nchildren>0 & nmarried_children==0