Merging households with children information [message #4058] |
Tue, 24 March 2015 16:24 |
Messages: 1 Registered: March 2015 Location: United States
Member |
Dear all,
I am working with all the DHS available for Latin America and Caribbean Countries. I want to merge the households with the children information. I am trying to get the teenage pregnancy and motherhood indicator and other indicators with different specifications.
I started with Peru 2012. My code is the following:
use "DHS\PEBR6IFL", clear
sort v001 v002 b16
egen id = concat(v001 v002 b16)
sort id
saveold "DHS\data_child", clear
use "DHS\PEPR6IFL.DTA", clear
sort hv001 hv002 hvidx
egen id = concat(hv001 hv002 hvidx)
merge m:m id using "DHS\data_child"
I would have expected that all the children match in their households, but I got ~12000 observations that are only in the using data (children database).
Checking the variable b16 (line of the children in household), I realized that the ~12000 observations not matched correspond to members that were not listed in the household.
I didn't delete any observation, instead I generated an id with the cluster and household number and matched those ~12000 in their households. Is it right?
On the other hand, I wanted to do the same with the database of Peru 2000, but all the values in b16 (line of the child in the household) are missing values. How could I generate the id in this case?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards,