Dear User,
The variables MV312 and MV313 were constructed from raw variables QM418 "The last time you had sexual intercourse, was a condom used?" and QM439 "What method did you or your partner use?" from the male questionnaire.
Below are the weighted frequencies for the recoded variables MV312 and MV313. I am not sure why you are seeing missing values.
Item MV312: Current contraceptive method
... tbd-name: '.MRECODE6.MREC32.MV312'
_____________________________ _____________
Categories Frequency CumFreq % Cum %
_______________________________ _____________________________ _____________
0 Not using 1722 1722 71.4 71.4
1 Pill 14 1736 0.6 72.0
2 IUD 189 1926 7.8 79.8
3 Injections 4 1929 0.2 79.9
5 Condom 443 2372 18.4 98.3
6 Female Sterilization 9 2381 0.4 98.7
8 Periodic Abstinence 4 2385 0.2 98.8
9 Withdrawal 26 2411 1.1 99.9
11 Implants/Norplant 1 2412 0.0 100.0
14 Female condom 1 2412 0.0 100.0
17 Other modern method 1 2413 0.0 100.0
_______________________________ _____________________________ _____________
TOTAL 2413 2413 100.0 100.0
Item MV313: Current contraceptive by method type
... tbd-name: '.MRECODE6.MREC32.MV313'
_____________________________ _____________
Categories Frequency CumFreq % Cum %
_______________________________ _____________________________ _____________
0 No method 1722 1722 71.4 71.4
2 Traditional method 30 1752 1.2 72.6
3 Modern method 661 2413 27.4 100.0
_______________________________ _____________________________ _____________
TOTAL 2413 2413 100.0 100.0