Hi Erin,
Your results are correct. The correction that was made to the recode file was also made in the code for calculating the revised definition of unmet need - Tanzania uses s309b instead of v302 for ever use of contraception. If you want to reproduce the original result published in AS25 you can comment out the line of survey specific code for Tanzania 2010 as follows:
* survey-specific code for Tanzania 2010
*cap replace infec=1 if v502==1 & v512>=5 & v512!=. & (tsinceb>59 | tsinceb==.) & s309b==0 & pregPPA24!=1 & v000=="TZ5" & (v007==2009 | v007==2010)
This produces the results as published, but the corrected version produces the correct results. Thanks also for pointing out that the STATcompiler still has the wrong result. We will correct this.