Following is a response from DHS staff member, Tom Pullum:
What do you mean by "a child mortality dummy"? There is a variable b5 in the KR and BR files that is 1 if the child survived to the date of interview and 0 if died.
The IR and BR files go out to a maximum of 20 children ever born. The KR file goes out to a maximum of 5 births because it only includes children born in the past 5 years.
The following Stata lines will add the DV variables for the mother to the children's data.
* Specify a workspace
cd e:\DHS\DHS_data\scratch
* Save a version of the IR file restricted to the DV variables (or other variables
* you want to add to the KR or BR file), plus the ID variables
use "...IAIR7EFL.DTA" , clear
keep v001 v002 v003 v024 d*
save dtemp.dta, replace
* Open the KR or BR file
use "...IAKR7EFL.DTA" , clear
gen in_file=1
tab in_file
merge m:1 v001 v002 v003 v024 using dtemp.dta
* Restrict to cases in the child file
tab _merge in_file,m
keep if in_file==1
* Save this file with a new name