Following is additional response from Senior DHS Specialists, Blake Zachary and Tom Pullum:
Column 2 of table 11.20 was calculated from s360c and s363c (based on questions 360 and 363 in the questionnaire), NOT from s368. The Stata lines are given below. The questions for men did not exactly parallel those for women. It may be somewhat misleading that the percentages for women in column 2 of the table are consistently well below the percentages for men in column 3.
use "...", clear
* Column 1 of table 11.20
gen visited=0
replace visited=1 if s366<.
tab v024 visited [iweight=v005/1000000], row
* Column 2 of table 11.20
gen camp=0
replace camp=1 if (s360c>=1 & s360c<=90) | (s363c>=1 & s363c<=90)
tab v024 camp [iweight=v005/1000000], row
use "...IAMR7EFL.DTA", clear
* Column 3 of table 11.20
gen camp=0
replace camp=1 if sm320==1
tab mv024 camp [iweight=mv005/1000000], row