For anyone interested in reproducing the table with Stata, the code below does it
use "KEHR8AFL.dta", clear
desc sh148ca sh148cb sh148cc sh148cd sh148ce sh148cf sh148cg sh148ch sh148ci sh148cj sh148ck sh148cl sh148cm sh148cn sh148co sh148cp
gen g1 = (sh148ca + sh148cb) // Cereals and roots
gen g2 = sh148cc // Pulses, nuts
gen g3 = (sh148cd + sh148ce + sh148cf) // Vegetables
gen g4 = (sh148cg + sh148ch) // Fruits
gen g5 = (sh148ci + sh148cj + sh148ck + sh148cl) // mMats
gen g6 = sh148cm // Milk
gen g7 = sh148co // Sugar
gen g8 = sh148cp // Oils
forvalues i=1/8 {
replace g`i' = 7 if g`i' > 7 & g`i' < .
gen FCS = (g1*2) + (g2*3) + (g3*1) + (g4*1) + (g5*4) + (g6*4) + (g7*0.5) + (g8*0.5)
label var FCS "Food Consumption Score"
recode FCS (0/21 = 1 "Poor") (22/35 = 2 "Borderline") (nonmissing = 3 "Acceptable") (missing=.), gen(FCG_Groups)
ta FCG_Groups, m
ta FCG_Groups [iw=hv005]