Thank you for your response! I do not quite understand these rows:
* Select if de facto, female, and age 15-49
keep if hv103==1 & hv104==2 & hv105>=15 & hv105<=49
* Again check eligibility vs marital status
tab hv117 `lmarital_status'
keep if `lmarital_status'==0
* Again check eligibility vs marital status
tab hv117 hv115
summarize hv005 if hv117==0
scalar mean_wt_nmw=r(mean)
summarize hv005 if hv117==1
scalar mean_wt_emw=r(mean)
scalar mean_wt_ratio_nmw_to_emw=mean_wt_nmw/mean_wt_emw
scalar list mean_wt_ratio_nmw_to_emw
The "scalar mean_wt_emw" does not have any values as we have just gotten rid of all the eligible women (at least in the NPPR41FL data it seems that all eligible women are ever-married women). Therefore the "mean_wt_ratio_nmw_to_emw" only includes missing values. I think this is the reason the v005 only has missing values for never-married women in the final file.