Following is a response from DHS staff member, Tom Pullum:
There are probably different ways to interpret what you want. The following Stata code estimates this: Out of all households with at least one "yes" or "no" response, what is the percentage that had at least one "yes". I don't use R but you should be able to translate this from Stata to R.
use "...IAIR7DFL.DTA" ,clear
gen reg=v024
gen cluster=v001
gen hh=v002
gen line=v003
gen s361_yes=1 if s361==1
gen s361_no =1 if s361==0
gen s368_yes=1 if s368==1
gen s368_no =1 if s368==0
* Collapse to get the numbers of yes and no responses within households
collapse (sum) s361_* s368_* (first) v005, by(reg cluster hh)
* The units of analysis are households with at least one woman who has a response to s361
tab s361_yes s361_no [iweight=v005/1000000]
gen s361_yes_1plus=0 if s361_yes+s361_no>0
replace s361_yes_1plus=1 if s361_yes>1
tab s361_yes_1plus [iweight=v005/1000000]
* The units of analysis are households with at least one woman who has a response to s368
tab s368_yes s368_no [iweight=v005/1000000]
gen s368_yes_1plus=0 if s368_yes+s368_no>0
replace s368_yes_1plus=1 if s368_yes>1
tab s368_yes_1plus [iweight=v005/1000000]
use "...IAMR7DFL.DTA", clear
gen reg=mv024
gen cluster=mv001
gen hh=mv002
gen line=mv003
gen sm320_yes=1 if sm320==1
gen sm320_no =1 if sm320==0
* Collapse to get the numbers of yes and no responses within households
collapse (sum) sm320_* (first) mv005, by(reg cluster hh)
* The units of analysis are households with at least one man who has a response to sm320
tab sm320_yes sm320_no [iweight=mv005/1000000]
gen sm320_yes_1plus=0 if sm320_yes+sm320_no>0
replace sm320_yes_1plus=1 if sm320_yes>1
tab sm320_yes_1plus [iweight=mv005/1000000]