Following is a response from DHS Research & Data Analysis Director, Tom Pullum:
After you have opened the PR file, enter the following lines:
egen neligible_children=total(sh11a), by(hv001 hv002)
gen child_wt=hv005*neligible_children if sh148==hvidx
keep if sh148==hvidx
tab sh15a sh149 if sh15a~=sh149,m
* sh15a is the correct variable for parent/caretaker
The first line will count up the number of eligible children in the household. You do need to weight up the selected child to be representative of all children in the household. The re-weighting is done in the second line. Then reduce the file to the selected children in the third line. The fourth line shows that there are only 43 selected children for whom there is a difference between sh15a and sh149, and it's clear from that table that sh15a is preferable. Let us know if you have other questions.