Dear User, you need to look at the following variables: H31, H31B and H31C
Below is the recode code in CSPRO for these variables: The text within brackets, indicates a comment.
{ Cough in last 2 weeks }
box Q620 => H31(i);
1 => 2;
2 => 0;
=> Q620;
{ Faster breathing with short, rapid breaths }
H31B(i) = YesNo( Q621 );
{ Problem in the chest or blocked or running nose }
H31C(i) = Q622;
{ Had fever/cough in last 2 weeks: Amount offered to drink }
H31D(i) = notappl; { !!! may be included in survey, not in DHS-VII }
{ Had fever/cough in last 2 weeks: Amount offered to eat }
H31E(i) = notappl; { !!! may be included in survey, not in DHS-VII }