I will appreciate your expert guidance on my query. We usually use 'psu' as the cluster level in DHS data. In my case, the group size is too small if I use 'psu'.
Group Variable | #Groups Minimum Average Maximum
psu | 25,063 1 3.1 16
Since NFHS-4 is representative at the district level and we have to anyway create a variable for the cluster-weight, I am wondering if it is possible to use district as the cluster-level. I tried changing my weighting command for psu to district but as you can see in the output, I don't get the p-values and CIs.
*Rescaling of weights
gen wt=v005/1000000
*Level 1 weights using scaling method 1: New weights sum to district sample size
gen sqw = wt*wt
egen sumsqw = sum(sqw), by(sdistri)
egen sumw = sum(wt), by(sdistri)
gen pwt11 = wt*sumw/sumsqw
* Survey setting
gen wt2=1
svyset sdistri, weight(wt2) strata(v023) , singleunit(centered) || _n, weight(pwt11)
Number of strata = 2,509 Number of obs = 1,538,126
Number of PSUs = 2,509 Population size = 1,438,715
Subpop. no. obs = 78,446
Subpop. size = 73,653.12
Design df = 0
F( 0, 0) = .
Prob > F = .
y Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]
_cons -1.585093 .0192937 -82.16 . . .
var(_cons) .1527032 .0153514 . .
Note: 5 strata omitted because they contain no subpopulation members.
Note: Strata with single sampling unit centered at overall mean.
I am not sure what is going wrong and will appreciate any understanding.
Thank you