Following is a response from DHS Senior Analysis & Research Manager, Shireen Assaf:
The code below will give you a match with table 10.3 for the pentavalent vaccine.
gen age = v008 - b3
gen agegroup=0
replace agegroup=1 if age>=12 & age<=23
*selecting children
keep if agegroup==1
keep if b5==1
*** Pentavalent ***
//DPT 1, 2, 3 either source
recode h3 (0 8=0) (else=1), gen(dpt1)
recode h5 (0 8=0) (else=1), gen(dpt2)
recode h7 (0 8=0) (else=1), gen(dpt3)
gen dptsum= dpt1+dpt2+dpt3
* this step is performed for multi-dose vaccines to take care of any gaps in the vaccination history. See DHS guide to statistics for further explanation.
gen ch_pent1_either=dptsum>=1
gen ch_pent2_either=dptsum>=2
gen ch_pent3_either=dptsum>=3
label var ch_pent1_either "Pentavalent 1st dose vaccination according to either source"
label var ch_pent2_either "Pentavalent 2nd dose vaccination according to either source"
label var ch_pent3_either "Pentavalent 3rd dose vaccination according to either source"
tab1 ch_pent1_either ch_pent2_either ch_pent3_either [iw=v005/1000000]