It looks like you are trying to match the results for Jharkhand. In that case, you need to change the weight from v005 to sv005, which is necessary every time you are analyzing an individual state. As you can see below, the urban percentage for Jharkhand (29.9 percent) comes out exactly the same as the estimate in the Jharkhand state report.
. svy: tab bf1hour if age < 24 & midx == 1 & v102 == 1 & v024 == 15
(running tabulate on estimation sample)
Number of strata = 24 Number of obs = 852
Number of PSUs = 286 Population size = 881.91211
Design df = 262
m34 (when |
child put |
to |
breast) | proportions
0 | .7011
1 | .2989
Total | 1
Key: proportions = cell proportions