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Re: Values don't match with reported values/Antenatal care by medically trained professionals [message #15555 is a reply to message #15554] Sat, 11 August 2018 04:37 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Messages: 92
Registered: February 2017
Location: North West
Senior Member
Hello Mahmudul,

Please try the code below... I have used the "keep if" command. Hopefully this will work.

Good luck...

	BDHS 2014

	BY: MLULEKI TSAWE - (University of the Western Cape, South Africa)


clear all
set matsize 800
set mem 1g
set maxvar 9000
cd "..." // change path
use "BDBR72FL", clear
set more off


gen weight = v005/1000000


gen psu =    v021
gen strata = v023
svyset psu [pw = weight], strata(strata) vce(linearized)



rename v013 age
rename v106 education
rename v190 wealth
rename v025 residence
rename v024 region
*rename sdist district


recode m2a (1=1 "doctor") (0=0 "not doctor") (else=.), gen(doctor)
label var doctor "Antenatal care provided by a doctor"
label val doctor doctor

cap drop NMP
gen NMP=.
replace NMP = 0 if m2b==0 | (m2a==1)
replace NMP = 1 if m2b==1 & (m2a ==0)
label define NMP 0"not NMP" 1"NMP"
label var NMP "Antenatal care provided by a nurse/midwife/paramedic"
label val NMP NMP

cap drop FWV
gen FWV=.
replace FWV = 0 if m2c==0 | (m2a==1)
replace FWV = 1 if m2c==1 & (m2a ==0 & m2b==0)
label define FWV 0"not FWV" 1"FWV"
label var FWV "Antenatal care provided by a family welfare visitor"
label val FWV FWV

cap drop CSBA
gen CSBA=.
replace CSBA = 0 if m2d==0 | (m2a==1)
replace CSBA = 1 if m2d==1 & (m2a ==0 & m2b==0)
label define CSBA 0"not CSBA" 1"CSBA"
label var CSBA "Antenatal care provided by a community skilled birth attendant"
label val CSBA CSBA

cap drop MA_SACMO
gen MA_SACMO=.
replace MA_SACMO = 0 if m2e==0 | (m2a==1)
replace MA_SACMO = 1 if m2e==1 & (m2a ==0 & m2b==0)
label define MA_SACMO 0"not MA_SACMO" 1"MA_SACMO"
label var MA_SACMO "Antenatal care provided by a medical assistant/sub-assistant community medical officer (ma/sacmo)"

cap drop CHCP
gen CHCP=.
replace CHCP = 0 if m2f==0 | (m2a==1)
replace CHCP = 1 if m2f==1 & (m2a ==0 & m2b==0)
label define CHCP 0"not CHCP" 1"CHCP"
label var CHCP "Antenatal care provided by a community health care provider"
label val CHCP CHCP

** ========================================================================== **
** ========================================================================== **
** ========================================================================== **


****** Percentage receiving antenatal care from a skilled provider

gen skilled_ANC	=	0
label define skilled_ANC 0"Unskilled" 1"Skilled provider"
label var skilled_ANC "Antenatal care from a skilled provider"
label val skilled_ANC skilled_ANC

foreach xvar of varlist m2a m2b m2c m2d m2e {
replace skilled_ANC=1 if `xvar'==1

* Replicating DHS table
cap drop antenatal_dhs
recode m14 (0=0 "None") (1=1 "1") (2=2 "2") (3=3 "3") (4/32=4 "4+") ///
(else=88 "DNK/Missing"), gen(antenatal_dhs)
label var antenatal_dhs "Antenatal visits - as in SLDHS report"
label val antenatal_dhs antenatal_dhs

* Any antenatal care
cap drop any_ANC
recode m14 (1/20=1 "Any ANC") ///
(else=0 "None/DNK/Missing"), gen(any_ANC)
label var any_ANC "Any antenatal care visit"
label val any_ANC any_ANC


keep if m2a!=. | m2b!=. | m2c!=. | m2d!=. | m2e!=.


tab skilled_ANC [iw=weight], missing

svy: tab skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f)
svy: tab skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f)
svy: tab wealth skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row miss

svy: tab antenatal_dhs residence, percent format(%4.1f) col miss

tabstat m14 if antenatal_dhs >=1 & antenatal_dhs <=4  [aw=weight], by(residence) stat(mean sd min max) format(%4.1f) long
tabstat m14 if antenatal_dhs >=1 & antenatal_dhs <=4  [aw=weight], by(age) stat(mean sd min max) format(%4.1f) long


* Mothers age at birth
cap drop agebirth
gen agebirth=(b3-v011)/12
tab agebirth

cap drop age_at_birth
recode agebirth (min/19.91667=1 "<20") (20/34.91667=2 "20-34") ///
(35/max=3 "35=49"), gen(age_at_birth)
label var age_at_birth "Mother's age at birth"
label val age_at_birth age_at_birth
svy: tab age_at_birth skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row miss


* Current age
recode v012 (15/19=1 "<20") (20/34=2 "20-34") (35/49=3 "35=49"), gen(age_current)
label var age_current "Current age of respondent"
label val age_current age_current

* Marital status
recode v501 (1=1 "Married") (else=0 "Not married"), gen (marital_stat)
label var marital_stat "Marital status"
label val marital_stat marital_stat

* Birth order
gen birth_order1		= 	bord
replace birth_order1	=	bord-1 if b0 == 2
replace birth_order1	=	bord-2 if b0 == 3

recode birth_order1 (1=1 "1") (2/3=2 "2-3") (4/5=3 "4-5") ///
(6/20=4 "6+"), gen(birth_order)
label var birth_order "Birth order"
label values birth_order birth_order

* Educational attainment
cap drop educ_attainment
recode v149 (0=0 "No education") (1=1 "Primary incomplete") ///
(2=2 "Primary complete") (3=3 "Secondary incomplete") ///
(4/5=4 "Secondary complete or higher"), gen(educ_attainment)
label var educ_attainment "Educational attainment"
label val educ_attainment educ_attainment

** ========================================================================== **
** ========================================================================== **
** ========================================================================== **

** READING NEWSPAPERS (at least once a week)
cap drop news_once
recode v157 (2/3=1 "Yes") (else=0 "No"), gen(news_once)
label variable news_once "Reads a newspaper at least once a week?"
label values news_once news_once

** WATCHES TV (at least once a week)
cap drop watch_tv
recode v159 (2/3=1 "Yes") (else=0 "No"), gen(watch_tv)
label variable watch_tv "Watches television at least once a week?"
label values watch_tv watch_tv

** LISTENS TO THE RADIO (at least once a week)
cap drop listen_radio
recode v158 (2/3=1 "Yes") (else=0 "No"), gen(listen_radio)
label variable listen_radio "Listens to the radio at least once a week?"
label values listen_radio listen_radio


* ACCESSES ALL THREE MEDIA (at least once a week)

cap drop all_media
gen all_media = 0

foreach groupvar of varlist news_once watch_tv listen_radio {
	replace all_media=1 if (news_once==1 & watch_tv==1 & listen_radio==1)
label define all_media	0"No"  1"Yes"
label variable all_media "Accesses all three media at least once a week"
label values all_media all_media

recode v201 (1=1 "1 child") (2/3=2 "2-3 children") ///
(4/max = 3 "4+ children"), gen (parity)
label var parity "Total number of children ever born = parity"
label val parity parity

* Region and residence = Sub-regions
cap drop sub_region
egen sub_region = group(region residence), label



*** Table 9.1 Antenatal care ***

svy: tab age_at_birth skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row miss

svy: tab birth_order skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row miss

svy: tab residence skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row miss

svy: tab region skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row miss

*svy: tab educ_attainment skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row miss

tab educ_attainment skilled_ANC [iw=weight], row miss nof

svy: tab wealth skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row miss

svy: tab news_once skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row

svy: tab watch_tv skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row

svy: tab listen_radio skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row

*svy: tab all_media skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row

svy: tab v130 skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row

svy: tab v501 skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row

svy: tab parity skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row

tab sub_region skilled_ANC [iw=weight], row miss nof

*svy: tab sub_region skilled_ANC, percent format(%4.1f) row


svy: tab age_at_birth skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab birth_order skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab residence skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab region skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab educ_attainment skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab wealth skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab news_once skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab watch_tv skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab listen_radio skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab all_media skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab v130 skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab v501 skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab parity skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss

svy: tab sub_region skilled_ANC, count format(%4.0f) miss



svy: glm skilled_ANC ib(1).age_at_birth ib(0).marital_stat ///
ib(4).v130 ib(0).educ_attainment ib(1).wealth ib(4).birth_order ///
ib(1).parity ib(0).all_media ib(2).residence ib(1).region, family(binomial) link(logit) eform cformat(%4.1f)

svy: logistic skilled_ANC ib(1).age_at_birth ib(0).marital_stat ///
ib(4).v130 ib(0).educ_attainment ib(1).wealth ib(4).birth_order ///
ib(1).parity ib(0).all_media ib(2).residence ib(1).region, cformat(%4.1f)

svy: logistic skilled_ANC age_at_birth marital_stat ///
v130 educ_attainment wealth birth_order ///
parity all_media residence region

graph bar (mean) skilled_ANC [pweight = weight], over(wealth) blabel(total, format(%6.2f)) ytitle(Average antenatal care use) by(, title(Average antenatal care use by wealth) subtitle(Differentials by residence) note(SLDHS (2013))) by(residence)
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