Following is a response from DHS Senior Research Associate, Wenjuan Wang:
I guess you'd like to borrow some provider-level information into the facility file. If this is the case, we usually collapse provider variables to the facility level and then merge with the facility file and it is going to be a one-to-one merging. For example, you'd like a variable on % of providers at the facility who were trained in breastfeeding. Since the training information is stored in the provider file, you can first collapse this variable to the facility level and then merge with the facility file. The Stata commands are:
use NPPV71FLSP.DTA, clear
g train_bf = 0
replace train_bf = 1 if p513_2==1
collapse (mean) per_trbf=train_bf [pw=provwt], by(facil)
sort facil
save train_bf.DTA, replace
use NPFC71FLSP.DTA, clear
merge 1:1 facil using train_bf.DTA
Please try and let me know if this works.