I think this is supposed to give you the P-values... But, try this...
svy: tab v013 v751 if gender== "men", percent format(%4.1f) missing row // Percentages
svy: tab v013 v751 if gender== "men", count format(%4.0f) missing // Counts
** ================================================================== **
svy: tab v013 v751 if gender== "women", percent format(%4.1f) missing row
svy: tab v013 v751 if gender== "women", count format(%4.0f) missing
Now, check your output... the P-value will be the P under your output table...
Uncorrected chi2(6) = 14.9190
Design-based F(5.65, 1797.69) = 1.8115 P = 0.0979
So, here the P-value is P=0.0979... Please let me know if it works