Following is a response from DHS Senior Research Associate, Shireen Assaf:
To obtain the estimates of child stunting, underweight and wasting you need to use the PR file and select for de factor children. In addition, the z scores in the data file are multiplied by 100. The following code will give you the correct estimates.
use BDPR70FL.dta, clear
gen wt= hv005/1000000
gen stunt=0 if hv103==1
replace stunt=. if hc70>=9996
replace stunt=1 if hc70<-200 & hv103==1
ta stunt [iw=wt]
gen under=0 if hv103==1
replace under=. if hc71>=9996
replace under=1 if hc71<-200 & hv103==1
ta under [iw=wt]
gen wast=0 if hv103==1
replace wast=. if hc72>=9996
replace wast=1 if hc72<-200 & hv103==1
ta wast [iw=wt]