PROC GLOBAL {+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+} {+ +} {+ Guidelines July 7, 2021 - Version 1.0.0 of 08/31/2021 +} {+ +} {+ CHAPTER 11. INFANT FEEDING AND CHILDHOOD AND MATERNAL NUTRITION +} {+ +} {+ 11.1 Nutritional status of children +} {+ 11.1W Remeasurement response rate (WORKING TABLE ONLY) +} {+ 11.1a Mean of nutritional status variables for children (working table)+} {+ 11.2 Child growth monitoring +} {+ 11.3 Early breastfeeding +} {+ 11.4 Breastfeeding status according to age +} {+ 11.5 Infant feeding practices by age +} {+ 11.6 Liquids consumed by children in the day or night preceding +} {+ the interview +} {+ 11.7 Foods consumed by children in the day or night preceding +} {+ the interview +} {+ 11.8 Minimum dietary diversity, minimum meal frequency, +} {+ and minimum acceptable diet among children +} {+ 11.9 Egg and/or flesh food consumption and unhealthy feeding +} {+ practices among children age 6-23 months +} {+ 11.10 Infant and young child feeding (IYCF) indicators +} {+ 11.11 Infant and young child feeding counseling +} {+ 11.12 Prevalence of anemia in children +} {+ 11.13 Micronutrient supplementation and deworming among children +} {+ 11.14.1 Nutritional status of women age 20-49 +} {+ 11.14.2 Nutritional status of adolescent women age 15-19 +} {+ 11.14.3 Nutritional status of men age 20-49 +} {+ 11.14.4 Nutritional status of adolescent men age 15-19 +} {+ 11.15 Foods and liquids consumed by women in the day or night +} {+ preceding the interview +} {+ 11.16 Minimum dietary diversity and unhealthy food and beverage +} {+ consumption among women +} {+ 11.17.1 Prevalence of anemia in women +} {+ 11.17.2 Prevalence of anemia in men +} {+ 11.18 Presence of iodized salt in household +} {+ +} {+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+} numeric i, itot, imax, j, jmax, jmax1, jmax2, jmax3, jtot, jtot1, jtot2, jtot3, jtot4, k, ktot, kmax, i1; numeric l, ncases, jmin, imin, acum, movmed, imea, iage, preg, bfdg, sdgsex; numeric rweight, mother, ybmi, xbmi, zw, hhi, minfeedb, feedings, minfeedn, lastva; numeric xwght, xhght, ywght, yhght, womelig, lastch, ageatb; numeric months, chline, plnwat, watbase, milk, milky, totmilkf, timesfed, fruitva, meats; numeric group1, group2, group3, group4, group5, group6, group7, group8, group9, group10, allgrp; numeric gavefood, eb, med1st, emsample, maxhght, maxwght, minhght, minwght, medmin, medmax; numeric altit, adjalt, x453, xtemp, xb53, xb57, day; numeric liquid, noliquid, food, nofood, anyDK, yngst; numeric DaysMonth = 30.4375; array childvar(100); { to store child's size at birth } array mothcmc(100); { to store mother's CMC of birth } array mothelig(100); { to store mother's pregnancy/postpartum status at the woman's level } array feeding(6); { used by table 11.4 to keep the same feeding definition for twins of the last child living with the respondent } crosstab float(0) txxx unweight runday+runmonth+runyear exclude(specval, rowzero, colzero, totals, percents) {+PT} title( "\b Quadros para capítulo 11, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ); {PT+} {{EN} title( "Tables for chapter 11, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ); {EN}} {{ES} title( "Cuadros para el capítulo 11, País Encuesta 2020" ); {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableaux du chapitre 11, Enquête Pays 2020" ); {FR}} crosstab float(1) t1101 chage2+chage3+sex2+pinter2+bsize+mothstat+mothage1+mothbmi+v102w+v101w+v106wt8+v190w+total hghtage+wghthght+wghtage exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.1 Nutritional status of children"," ", "Percentage of children under age 5 classified as", "malnourished according to three anthropometric indices of", "child growth: height-for-age, weight-for-height, and", "weight-for-age, according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.1 Estado nutricional das crianças"," ", "Percentagem de crianças com menos de 5 anos classificadas como sendo subnutridas", "segundo três índices antropométricos de crescimento infantil: altura para a idade,", "peso para a altura e peso para a idade, segundo caraterísticas seleccionadas , Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} title( "Cuadro 11.1 Estado de nutrición de los niños/as"," ", "Porcentaje de los menores de cinco años clasificados como", "desnutridos según tres índices antropométricos de nutrición:", "talla para la edad, peso para la talla, y peso para la edad, según", "características seleccionadas, País Encuesta 2020" ) stub( "Característica" ); {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.1 État nutritionnel des enfants"," ", "Pourcentage d'enfants de moins de 5 ans considérés comme atteints de malnutrition selon", "les trois indices anthropométriques de mesure de l'état nutritionnel : la taille-pour-âge,", "le poids-pour-taille et le poids-pour-âge, selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques,", "Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1101u chage2+chage3+sex2+pinter2+bsize+mothstat+mothage1+mothbmi+v102w+v101w+v106wt8+v190w+total coltotu exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) title( "Table 11.1 Nutritional status of children (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t1101w total remeas exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.1W Remeasurement response rate (WORKING TABLE ONLY)","", "Among children under age 5 (0-59 months) selected for remeasurement, percentage whose", "height and weight were remeasured (unweighted), Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.1W Taxa de resposta da remedição (APENAS Quadro DE TRABALHO)"," ", "Entre as crianças com menos de 5 anos (0-59 meses) seleccionadas para a remedição,", "percentagem cuja altura e peso foram remedidos (não ponderados), Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) {PT+} crosstab float(2) t1101a agesingl meanscor exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) title( "Table 11.1a Mean height-for-age, weight-for-age, and weight-for-height", "compared to international standards (working table), Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ); crosstab float(1) t1102 chage2+chage3+sex2+mothage2+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total h70w exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.2 Child growth monitoring"," ", "Percentage of children under age 5 who had selected measurements performed by a", "healthcare provider in the 3 months preceding the survey,", "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.2 Monitorização do crescimento das crianças"," ", "Percentagem de crianças com menos de 5 anos cujas medições seleccionadas foram realizadas", "por um profissional de saúde nos três meses anteriores ao inquérito, segundo características", "seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.2 Suivi de la croissance de l'enfant"," ", " Pourcentage d'enfants de moins de 5 ans pour lesquels un prestataire", "de santé a effectué certaines mesures dans les 3 mois ayant précédé l'enquête,", "selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020 " ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1102u chage2+chage3+sex2+mothage2+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total total exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) title( "Table 11.2 Child growth monitoring (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t1103 sex2+m42hw+adeliv+m15w+birtype1+m78dw+m78ew+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total brfedst1 exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.3 Early breastfeeding"," ", "Percentage of children born in the last 2 years who were ever breastfed, percentage who", "were put to the breast within 1 hour of birth, and percentage who were", "exclusively breastfed for the first 2 days after birth,", "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.3 Amamentação precoce"," ", "Percentagem de crianças nascidas nos últimos dois anos que alguma vez foram amamentadas;", "percentagem de crianças que foram amamentadas no espaço de uma hora após terem nascido;", "e percentagem de crianças que foram amamentadas exclusivamente nos primeiros dois", "dias após o nascimento, segundo características seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.3 Allaitement initial"," ", "Pourcentage d'enfants nés au cours des 2 dernières années ayant déjà été allaités, ", "pourcentage ayant commencé à être allaité dans l'heure qui a suivi la naissance", "et pourcentage ayant été exclusivement allaité pendant les 2 premiers jours après la naissance,", "selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1103u sex2+m42hw+adeliv+m15w+birtype1+m78dw+m78ew+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total total exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) title( "Table 11.3 Early breastfeeding (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t1104 agemnth0+sex2+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total brfedst2+currbrf+usenipp exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.4 Breastfeeding status according to age"," ", "Among youngest children age 0-5 months living with their mother, percentage", "exclusively breastfeeding and percentage receiving mixed milk feeding; and among all", "children age 12-23 months, percentage currently breastfeeding; and among all children", "age 0-23 months, percentage using a bottle with a nipple," "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.4 Estado de amamentação por idade"," ", "Entre os filhos mais novos até aos 5 meses que vivem com a mãe, percentagem exclusivamente", "amamentada e percentagem a quem é dada uma mistura de leite; e, entre todas as crianças", "até aos 23 meses, percentagem actualmente a ser amamentada; e, entre todas as crianças", "até aos 23 meses, percentagem que utiliza biberão com tetina, segundo características", "seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.4 Allaitement selon l'âge"," ", "Parmi les plus jeunes enfants de 0-5 mois vivant avec leur mère,", "pourcentage exclusivement allaité et pourcentage recevant une alimentation mixte lactée ;", "et, parmi tous les enfants de 12-23 mois, pourcentage actuellement allaité;", "et, parmi tous les enfants de 0-23 mois, pourcentage nourri avec un biberon,", "selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1104u agemnth0+sex2+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total coltotu exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.4 Breastfeeding status according to age (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t1105 agemnth1+agemnth2 brfedst3 exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.5 Infant feeding practices by age"," ", "Percent distribution of youngest children age 0-5 months living with their mother,", "by feeding category, according to age in months, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Age group in months" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.5 Práticas de alimentação infantil por idade"," ", "Distribuição percentual dos filhos mais novos até aos 5 meses que vivem com a mãe,", "por categoria de alimentação, segundo idade em meses, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Idade em meses" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.5 Type d'allaitement selon l'âge "," ", "Répartition (en %) des plus jeunes enfants de 0-5 mois vivant avec leur mère,", "par catégorie d'alimentation, selon l'âge en mois, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Âge en mois" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1105u agemnth1+agemnth2 total exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.5 Infant feeding practices by age (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Age group in months" ); crosstab float(1) t1106 agemnth3+agemnth4+agemnth5+total liquid1+milkdrk+yogurt+soymilk+liquid2+teacoffe+liquid3+otherl+numch2 breastfd exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.6 Liquids consumed by children in the day or night preceding the interview"," ", "Percentage of youngest children under age 2 living with their mother by type of liquids", "consumed in the day or night preceding the interview, according to age and", "breastfeeding status, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Age in months" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.6 Líquidos consumidos por crianças no dia ou na noite anterior ao inquérito"," ", "Percentagem de filhos mais novos com menos de 2 anos que vivem com a mãe por tipo", "de líquidos ingeridos durante o dia ou a noite anterior ao inquérito, segundo a idade", "e o estado de amamentação, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Idade em meses" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.6 Liquides consommés par les enfants le jour ou la nuit ayant précédé l'interview"," ", "Pourcentage d'enfants derniers-nés de moins de 2 ans vivant avec leur mère,", "par type de liquides consommés le jour ou la nuit ayant précédé l'interview,", "selon l'âge et selon qu'ils sont, ou non, allaités, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Âge en mois" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1106u agemnth3+agemnth4+agemnth5+total total breastfd exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.6 Liquids consumed by children in the day or night preceding the interview (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Age in months" ); crosstab float(1) t1107 agemnth3+agemnth4+agemnth5+total solfood+numch2 breastfd exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.7 Foods consumed by children in the day or night preceding the interview"," ", "Percentage of youngest children under age 2 living with their mother by type of foods", "consumed in the day or night preceding the interview, according to age and", "breastfeeding status, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Age in months" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.7 Alimentos consumidos por crianças no dia ou na noite anterior ao inquérito"," ", "Percentagem de filhos mais novos com menos de 2 anos que vivem com a mãe por tipo", "de alimentos ingeridos durante o dia ou a noite anterior ao inquérito, segundo a", "idade e o estado de amamentação, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Idade em meses" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.7 Aliments consommés par les enfants le jour ou la nuit ayant précédé l'interview"," ", "Pourcentage d'enfants derniers-nés de moins de 2 ans vivant avec leur mère,", "par type d'aliments consommés le jour ou la nuit ayant précédé l'interview,", "selon l'âge et selon qu'ils sont, ou non, allaités, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Âge en mois" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1107u agemnth3+agemnth4+agemnth5+total total breastfd exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.7 Foods consumed by children in the day or night preceding the interview (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Age in months" ); crosstab float(1) t1108 agemnth6+sex2+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total brfmin+nbrfmin+allmin exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.8 Minimum dietary diversity, minimum meal frequency, and minimum acceptable diet among children","", "Percentage of youngest children age 6-23 months living with their mother who are", "fed a minimum acceptable diet based on breastfeeding status, number of food groups,", "and times they are fed during the day or night preceding the survey,", "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.8 Diversidade dietética mínima, frequência mínima de refeições e dieta mínima aceitável entre as crianças"," ", "Percentagem de filhos mais novos de 6 - 23 meses que vivem com a mãe e que receberam", "uma diversidade alimentar mínima, frequência de refeições mínima e dieta mínima aceitável", "durante o dia ou a noite anterior ao inquérito, por estado de amamentação, segundo", "características seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.8 Diversification alimentaire minimum, nombre minimum de repas et apport alimentaire minimum acceptable parmi les enfants","", "Pourcentage des plus jeunes enfants de 6-23 mois vivant avec leur mère qui ont reçu, durant le jour ou la nuit ayant précédé l'interview,", "la diversité alimentaire minimale, la fréquence minimale des repas et l'apport alimentaire minimum acceptable, par statut d'allaitement,", "selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1108u agemnth6+sex2+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total coltotu exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.8 Minimum dietary diversity, minimum meal frequency, and minimum acceptable diet among children (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t1109 agemnth6+sex2+brfeed1+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total eggflsh+unhealth+numch3 exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.9 Egg and/or flesh food consumption and unhealthy feeding practices among children age 6-23 months","", "Percentage of youngest children age 6-23 months living with their mother who consumed egg", "and/or flesh food, and percentage who experienced each various specified unhealthy feeding", "practice, during the day or night preceding the survey,", "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.9 Consumo de ovos e/ou alimentos cárneos e práticas alimentares pouco saudáveis entre as crianças de 6 - 23 meses"," ", "Percentagem de filhos mais novos de 6 - 23 meses que vivem com a mãe e que consumiram", "ovos e/ou alimentos cárneos e percentagem de crianças que passaram por cada uma das", "várias práticas de alimentação não saudável especificadas, durante o dia ou a noite", "anterior ao inquérito, segundo características seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.9 Consommation d'oeuf et/ou de produits d'originale animale et pratiques alimentaires malsaines parmi les enfants de 6-23 mois","", "Pourcentage d'enfants les plus jeunes de 6-23 mois vivant avec leur mère et qui ont consommé des oeufs et/ou des produits carnés,", "et pourcentage ayant eu des pratiques alimentaires malsaines spécifiées, durant le jour ou la nuit ayant précédé l'interview,", "selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1109u agemnth6+sex2+brfeed1+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total total exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.9 Egg and/or flesh food consumption and unhealthy feeding practices among children age 6-23 months (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t1110 rowfood numpct exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.10 Infant and young child feeding (IYCF) indicators","", "Percentage of children fed according to various IYCF practices,", "Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Indicator" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.10 Indicadores de alimentação de lactentes e crianças pequenas (ALCP)"," ", "Percentagem de crianças alimentadas segundo várias práticas ALCP, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Indicador" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.10 Indicateurs d'évaluation des Pratiques d'Alimentation du Nourrisson et du Jeune Enfant (PANJE)","", "Pourcentage d'enfants nourris en suivant les différentes pratiques PANJE, Enquête Pays 202, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Indicateur" ); {FR}} crosstab float(1) t1111 agemnth7+sex1+v013w2+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total counself exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.11 Infant and young child feeding counseling","", "Among women age 15-49 whose youngest child age 6-23 months is living with them,", "percentage who talked with a healthcare provider or community health worker about", "how or what to feed their child in the last 6 months, according to", "background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.11 Aconselhamento alimentar para lactentes e crianças pequenas"," ", "Entre as mulheres de 15 - 49 anos cujo filho mais novo de 6 - 23 meses vive com elas,", "percentagem que falou com um profissional de saúde ou um profissional de saúde comunitário", "sobre como ou o que alimentar o filho nos últimos 6 meses, segundo características", "seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.11 Conseil sur l'alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant ","", "Parmi les femmes de 15-49 ans dont l'enfant le plus jeune de 6-23 mois vit avec elles,", "pourcentage ayant parlé, dans les 6 derniers mois, avec un prestataire de santé ", "ou un agent de santé communautaire de la façon ou de quoi nourrir leur enfant ,", " selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1111u agemnth7+sex1+v013w2+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total total exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.11 Infant and young child feeding counseling (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t1112 chage4+chage5+sex2+mothsta1+v102w+v101w+v106wt2+v190w+total anemiac+chanemia exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.12 Prevalence of anemia in children"," ", "Percentage of children age 6-59 months classified as having", "anemia, according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.12 Prevalência da anemia nas crianças"," ", "Percentagem de crianças de 6 - 59 meses classificadas como tendo anemia, segundo", "caraterísticas seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} title( "Cuadro 11.12 Prevalencia de anemia en niños/as"," ", "Porcentaje de niños/as de 6-59 meses de edad que tienen anemia,", "por características seleccionadas, País Encuesta 2020" ) stub( "Característica" ); {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.12 Prévalence de l'anémie chez les enfants"," ", "Pourcentage d'enfants de 6-59 mois considérés comme étant anémiés, selon certaines", "caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1112u chage4+chage5+sex2+mothsta1+v102w+v101w+v106wt2+v190w+total total exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.12 Prevalence of anemia in children (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t1113 chage6+chage5+sex2+brfeed+mothage2+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total consump1+consump2 exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.13 Micronutrient supplementation and deworming among children"," ", "Among children age 6-59 months, percentages who were given iron tablets or syrups,", "micronutrient powders, and iron-containing supplements in the last 12 months, and", "percentage who were given vitamin A supplements in the last 6 months; and among children", "age 12-59 months, percentage who were given deworming medication in the last 6 months,", "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.13 Suplementos de micronutrientes e desparasitação entre crianças"," ", "Entre as crianças de 6 - 59 meses, as percentagens que receberam xaropes ou comprimidos", "que contenham ferro, micronutrientes em pó, e suplementos que contenham ferro nos", "últimos doze meses; e as percentagens que receberam suplementos de vitamina A nos", "últimos seis meses; e, entre as crianças de 12 - 59 meses, as percentagens que receberam", "medicamentos para desparasitação nos últimos seis meses, segundo características", "seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.13 Suppléments en micronutriments et déparasitage parmi les enfants"," ", "Parmi les enfants de 6-59 mois, pourcentage à qui on a donné, dans les 12 derniers mois,", "du fer, en comprimés ou en sirop, des micronutriments en poudre et des suppléments contenant", "du fer et pourcentage à qui on a donné, dans les 6 derniers mois, des suppléments de vitamine A ;", "parmi les enfants de 12-59 mois, pourcentage à qui on a donné, dans les 6 derniers mois,", "des médicaments pour le déparasitage, selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1113u chage6+chage5+sex2+brfeed+mothage2+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total coltotu exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) title( "Table 11.13 Micronutrient supplementation and deworming among children (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t11141 v013w2+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total height1+bmiw exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.14.1 Nutritional status of women age 20-49","", "Among women age 20-49, percentage with height below 145 cm, mean", "body mass index (BMI), and percentage with specific BMI levels," "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.14.1 Estado nutricional das mulheres de 20 - 49 anos"," ", "Entre as mulheres de 20 - 49 anos, percentagem com altura inferior a 145 cm, índice", "de massa corporal médio (IMC) e percentagem com níveis específicos de IMC, segundo", "características seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.14.1 État nutritionnel des femmes de 20-49 ans","", "Parmi les femmes de 20-49 ans, pourcentage ayant une taille inférieure à 145 cm,", "Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC) moyen et pourcentage ayant certains niveaux d'IMC,", "selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t11141u v013w2+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total coltotu exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.14.1 Nutritional status of women age 20-49 (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t11142 v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total heighage+bmiw2 exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.14.2 Nutritional status of adolescent women age 15-19","", "Among women age 15-19, percentage with height-for-age below -2", "standard deviations (SD), mean body mass index (BMI) for age Z-score,", "and percentage with specific BMI-for-age levels,", "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.14.2 Estado nutricional das adolescentes dos 15 aos 19 anos"," ", "Entre as mulheres de 15 - 19 anos, percentagem com altura para a idade inferior a", "-2 desvios padrão (DP), valor-z de índice de massa corporal (IMC) médio para a idade", "e percentagem com níveis específicos de IMC para a idade, segundo características", "seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.14.2 État nutritionnel des femmes adolescentes de 15-19 ans","", "Parmi les femmes de 15-19 ans, pourcentage dont la taille-pour-âge est inférieure", "à -2 écart type (ET), Z-score moyen de l'Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC) pour- âge ,", "et pourcentage avec des niveaux spécifiques d'IMC pour l'âge, selon certaines caractéristiques", "sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t11142u v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total coltotu exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.14.2 Nutritional status of adolescent women age 15-19 (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t11143 v013w2+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+tot2049+men5059+totmen1 bmim exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.14.3 Nutritional status of men age 20-49","", "Among men age 20-49, mean body mass index (BMI), and percentage with specific BMI levels,", "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.14.3 Estado nutricional dos homens de 20 - 49 anos"," ", "Entre os homens de 20 - 49 anos, índice de massa corporal (IMC) médio e percentagem", "com níveis específicos de IMC, segundo características seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.14.3 État nutritionnel des hommes de 20-49 ans","", "Parmi les hommes de 20-49 ans, Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC) moyen et", "pourcentage ayant certains niveaux d'IMC, selon certaines caractéristiques", "sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t11143u v013w2+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+tot2049+men5059+totmen1 total exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.14.3 Nutritional status of men age 20-49 (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t11144 v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total bmim2 exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.14.4 Nutritional status of adolescent men age 15-19","", "Among men age 15-19, mean body mass index (BMI) for age Z-score, and percentage", "with specific BMI-for-age levels, according to background characteristics,", "Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.14.4 Estado nutricional dos adolescentes de 15 - 19 anos"," ", "Entre os homens de 15 - 19 anos, valor-z de índice de massa corporal (IMC) médio", "para a idade e percentagem com níveis específicos de IMC para a idade, segundo características", "seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.14.4 État nutritionnel des hommes adolescents de 15-19 ans","", "Parmi les hommes de 15-19 ans, Z-score moyen de l'Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC)-pour-âge,", "et pourcentage avec des niveaux spécifiques d'IMC pour l'âge, selon certaines caractéristiques", "sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t11144u v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total coltotu exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.14.4 Nutritional status of adolescent men age 15-19 (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t1115 v013w2+v213w+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total foodsw exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.15 Foods and liquids consumed by women in the day or night preceding the interview","", "Percentage of women age 15-49 by type of foods and liquids consumed in the day", "or night preceding the interview, according to background characteristics," "Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.15 Alimentos e líquidos consumidos por mulheres no dia ou noite anterior ao inquérito"," ", "Percentagem de mulheres de 15 - 49 anos por tipo de alimentos e líquidos consumidos", "durante o dia ou a noite anterior ao inquérito, segundo caraterísticas seleccionadas", ", Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.15 Aliments et liquides consommés par les femmes le jour ou la nuit ayant précédé l'interview ","", "Pourcentage de femmes de 15-49 ans par type d'aliments et de liquides consommés le jour ou la nuit ayant précédé ", "l'interview, selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1115u v013w2+v213w+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total total exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.15 Foods and liquids consumed by women in the day or night preceding the interview (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t1116 v013w2+v213w4+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total foodsw2 exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.16 Minimum dietary diversity and unhealthy food and beverage consumption among women","", "Percentage of women age 15-49 consuming sweet beverages, percentage consuming sentinel", "unhealthy foods, and percentage achieving minimum dietary diversity for women,", " according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.16 Diversidade alimentar mínima e consumo de alimentos e bebidas pouco saudáveis entre as mulheres"," ", "Percentagem de mulheres de 15 - 49 anos que consomem bebidas açucaradas; percentagem", "de consumo de alimentos não saudáveis sentinela; e percentagem que cumpre a diversidade", "dietética mínima para mulheres, segundo caraterísticas seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.16 Diversification alimentaire minimum et consommation d'aliments et de boissons malsaines parmi les femmes ","", "Pourcentage de femmes de 15-49 ans qui consomment des boissons sucrées,", "pourcentage qui consomment des aliments malsains et pourcentage dont l'alimentation correspond ", "aux critère de la diversification alimentaire minimum pour les femmes,", "selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1116u v013w2+v213w4+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total total exclude(colzero,rowzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.16 Minimum dietary diversity and unhealthy food and beverage consumption among women (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t11171 v013w2+parity+v213w1+useiud+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total anemiaw exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.17.1 Prevalence of anemia in women"," ", "Percentage of women age 15-49 classified as having anemia,", "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.17.1 Prevalência da anemia nas mulheres"," ", "Percentagem de mulheres de 15 - 49 anos classificadas como tendo anemia, segundo", "caraterísticas seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} title( "Cuadro 11.17.1 Prevalencia de anemia en mujeres"," ", "Porcentaje de mujeres de 15-49 años con anemia,", "según características seleccionadas, País Encuesta 2020" ) stub( "Característica" ); {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.17.1 Prévalence de l'anémie chez les femmes"," ", "Pourcentage de femmes de 15-49 ans considérés comme étant anémiées,", "selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t11171u v013w2+parity+v213w1+useiud+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total total exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.17.1 Prevalence of anemia in women (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t11172 v013w2+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+tot1549+men5059+totmen anemiam exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.17.2 Prevalence of anemia in men"," ", "Percentage of men age 15-49 classified as having anemia," "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.17.2 Prevalência da anemia nos homens"," ", "Percentagem de homens de 15 - 49 anos classificados como tendo anemia, segundo caraterísticas", "seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} title( "Cuadro 11.17.2 Prevalencia de anemia en hombres"," ", "Porcentaje de hombres de 15-49 años con anemia,", "según características seleccionadas, País Encuesta 2020" ) stub( "Característica" ); {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.17.2 Prévalence de l'anémie chez les hommes"," ", "Pourcentage d'hommes de 15-49 ans considérés comme étant anémiés,", "selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t11172u v013w2+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+tot1549+men5059+totmen total exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.17.2 Prevalence of anemia in men (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); crosstab float(1) t1118 v102w+v101w+v190w+total salt1+salt2 exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.18 Presence of iodized salt in household", " ", "Among all households, percentage with salt tested for iodine content, percentage with", "salt in the household but the salt was not tested, and percentage with no salt in the", "household; and among households with salt tested, percentage with iodized salt,", "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.18 Famílias que usam sal iodado"," ", "Entre todos os agregados familiares, percentagem com sal testado para teor de iodo;", "percentagem com sal no agregado familiar mas não testado; e percentagem sem sal no", "agregado familiar; e, entre os agregados familiares com sal testado, percentagem", "com sal iodado, segundo caraterísticas seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} title( "Table 11.18 Presence of iodized salt in household", " ", "Among all households, percentage with salt tested for iodine content, percentage with", "salt in the household but the salt was not tested, and percentage with no salt in the", "household; and among households with salt tested, percentage with iodized salt,", "according to background characteristics, Mozambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Característica" ); {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.18 Présence de sel iodé dans le ménage", " ", "Parmi tous les ménages, pourcentage dont le sel a été testé pour la présence d'iode,", "pourcentage disposant de sel mais dont le sel n'a pas été testé et ", "pourcentage ne disposant pas de sel dans le ménage et, parmi les ménages dont le sel a été testé,", "pourcentage ayant du sel iodé selon certaines caractéristiques, Enquête Pays 2020" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) t1118u v102w+v101w+v190w+total coltotu exclude(rowzero,colzero,totals,percents,specval) title( "Table 11.18 Presence of iodized salt in household (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); { to find out if a type of food was given to a child } function given( xvar ) given = 0; if xvar = 1 then given = 1 endif; end { to find out if a type of food was not given to a child } function notgiven( xvar ) notgiven = 0; if xvar = 0 then notgiven = 1 endif; end { to find out if a type of food was given to a child } function DKgiven( xvar ) DKgiven = 0; if xvar = 8 then DKgiven = 1 endif; end { to determine the types of food consumed by children the day before } function FoodConsumption() plnwat = ( given(V409) ); { plain water } { !!! don't include yogurt as a drink (V413A), but include CS liquids and foods } liquid = ( given(V413B) | given(V413C) | given(V410) | given(V413D) | given(V410A) | given(V412C) | given(V413) ); food = ( given(V414V) & !given(V413A) | // yogurt considered food if not taken as a drink given(V414E) | given(V414I) | given(V414F) | given(V414J) | given(V414WA) | given(V414A) | given(V414K) | given(V414L) | given(V414M) | given(V414B) | given(V414H) | given(V414G) | given(V414N) | given(V414O) | given(V414C) | given(V414P) | given(V414D) | given(V414R) | given(V414T) | given(V414U) | given(V414S) | given(V414W) ); { !!! include CS animal milk if part of the survey } milk = ( given(V411) | given(V411A) ); { milk here includes yogurt as needed by table 11.5 } milky = ( milk | given(V413A) ); { !!! determine if unknowns for liquids or solids. Include any CS } anyDK = ( DKgiven(V409) | DKgiven(V411A) | DKgiven(V411) | DKgiven(V413A) | DKgiven(V413B) | DKgiven(V413C) | DKgiven(V410) | DKgiven(V413D) | DKgiven(V410A) | DKgiven(V412C) | DKgiven(V413) | DKgiven(V414V) | DKgiven(V414E) | DKgiven(V414I) | DKgiven(V414F) | DKgiven(V414J) | DKgiven(V414WA) | DKgiven(V414A) | DKgiven(V414K) | DKgiven(V414L) | DKgiven(V414M) | DKgiven(V414B) | DKgiven(V414H) | DKgiven(V414G) | DKgiven(V414N) | DKgiven(V414O) | DKgiven(V414C) | DKgiven(V414P) | DKgiven(V414D) | DKgiven(V414R) | DKgiven(V414T) | DKgiven(V414U) | DKgiven(V414S) | DKgiven(V414W) ); end; { to determine food groups consumed by children the day before } function FoodGroups() group1 = ( M4 = 95); { breast milk } group2 = given(V414E) + given(V414F); { Grains, white/pale starchy roots, tubers, and plantains } group3 = given(V414O) + given(V414C); { Beans, peas, lentils, nuts and seeds } group4 = given(V411A) + given(V411) + given(V413A) + given(V414V) + given(V414P); { Dairy products } group5 = given(V414M) + given(V414B) + given(V414H) + given(V414N); { Flesh foods } { other fruits and vegetables } group6 = given(V414G); { eggs } group7 = given(V414I) + given(V414J) + given(V414K) + given(V414WA); { Vitamin-A rich fruits and vegetables } group8 = given(V414A) + given(V414L); { Other fruits and vegetables } allgrp = (group1 > 0) + (group2 > 0) + (group3 > 0) + (group4 > 0) + (group5 > 0) + (group6 > 0) + (group7 > 0) + (group8 > 0); end; { determine Minimum meal frequency for breastfed and non-breastfed children } function MinimumFeed() numeric totmilkf1; totmilkf = 0; if V469F in 1:7 then totmilkf = totmilkf + V469F endif; // infant formula if V469E in 1:7 then totmilkf = totmilkf + V469E endif; // fresh milk if V413A = 1 & V469X in 1:7 then totmilkf = totmilkf + V469X endif; // yogurt liquid // if the times gave yogurt as a liquid is asked separately from times gave yogurt as a solid, // e.g. as Q636D for example, then replace above with: // if V413A = 1 & S636DN in 1:7 then totmilkf = totmilkf + S636DN endif; // yogurt liquid totmilkf1 = totmilkf; // captured before solid yogurt is counted // yogurt as a solid - included in minimum milk feeding frequency, but not in minimum meal frequency if V413A <> 1 & V469X in 1:7 then totmilkf = totmilkf + V469X endif; // yogurt solid { define minimum feeding times for breastfed children } recode M4 :: months :: M39 -> minfeedb; 95 :: 6:8 :: 2:7 -> 1; { for currently breastfed children } 95 :: 9:23 :: 3:7 -> 1; :: :: -> 0; endrecode; { define minimum feedings for non-breastfeeding children } feedings = totmilkf1; if M39 in 1:7 then feedings = feedings + M39 endif; minfeedn = ( M4 <> 95 & feedings >= 4 & M39 in 1:7 ); { 4+ feedings at least one of solid or semi-solid } end; //INIT Sep 06, 2024 crosstab float(1) nt1112w chage4+chage5+sex2+mothstat+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total tanemiac //NOPRINT exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.12W Coverage of testing for anemia in children (WORKING TABLE ONLY)"," ", "Percentage of eligible children age 6-59 months tested for anemia,", "according to background characteristics (unweighted), Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} {FR}} {+PT} title( "Quadro 11.12W_NOVO (NOVA FORMULA ANEMIA) Cobertura do teste de anemia entre as crianças (TABELA DE TRABALHO SOMENTE)"," ", "Percentagem de crianças elegíveis de 6-59 meses submetidas a teste de anemia", "segundo caraterísticas seleccionadas (não ponderadas), Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} crosstab float(1) nt1112 chage4+chage5+sex2+mothstat+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total anemxtrc+anemiac2+anemean+chanemia //NOPRINT exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.12 Prevalence of anemia in children"," ", "Percentage of children age 6-59 months classified as having anemia, and mean hemoglobin level,", "according to background characteristics, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.12_NOVO (NOVA FORMULA ANEMIA) Prevalência da anemia nas crianças"," ", "Percentagem de crianças de 6 - 59 meses classificadas como tendo anemia, e nível médio de hemoglobina, segundo", "caraterísticas seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} title( "Cuadro 11.12 Prevalencia de anemia en niños/as"," ", "Porcentaje de niños/as de 6-59 meses de edad que tienen anemia,", "por características seleccionadas, [País Encuesta Año]" ) stub( "Característica" ); {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.12 Prévalence de l'anémie chez les enfants"," ", "Pourcentage d'enfants de 6-59 mois considérés comme étant anémiés,", "selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, [Pays, Enquête, Année]" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) nt1112u chage4+chage5+sex2+mothstat+v102w+v101w+v106wt+v190w+total total //NOPRINT exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.12_NOVO (NOVA FORMULA ANEMIA) Prevalence of anemia in children (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); //END Sep 06, 2024 //INIT Sep 06, 2024 crosstab float(1) nt11171w v013w2+parity+v213w+useiud+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total tanemiaw //NOPRINT exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.17.1W Coverage of testing for anemia in women (WORKING TABLE ONLY)"," ", "Percentage of eligible women age 15-49 years tested for anemia,", "according to background characteristics (unweighted), Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "Quadro 11.17.1W_NOVO (NOVA FORMULA ANEMIA) Cobertura do teste de anemia entre as mulheres (TABELA DE TRABALHO SOMENTE)"," ", "Percentagem de mulheres elegíveis de 15-49 anos submetidas a teste de anemia", "segundo caraterísticas seleccionadas (não ponderadas), Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} {ES}} {{FR} {FR}} crosstab float(1) nt11171 v013w2+parity+v213w+useiud+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total anemxtrw+anemiaw2+anemean+numwom //NOPRINT exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) {{EN} title( "Table 11.17.1 Prevalence of anemia in women"," ", "Percentage of women age 15-49 classified as having anemia, and mean hemoglobin level,", "according to background characteristics, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); {EN}} {+PT} title( "\b Quadro 11.17.1_NOVO (NOVA FORMULA ANEMIA) Prevalência da anemia nas mulheres"," ", "Percentagem de mulheres de 15 - 49 anos classificadas como tendo anemia, e nível médio de hemoglobina, segundo", "caraterísticas seleccionadas, Moçambique IDS 2022-23" ) stub( "Características seleccionadas" ); {PT+} {{ES} title( "Cuadro 11.17.1 Prevalencia de anemia en mujeres"," ", "Porcentaje de mujeres de 15-49 años con anemia,", "según características seleccionadas, [País Encuesta Año]" ) stub( "Característica" ); {ES}} {{FR} title( "Tableau 11.17.1 Prévalence de l'anémie chez les femmes"," ", "Pourcentage de femmes de 15-49 ans considérés comme étant anémiées,", "selon certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques, [Pays, Enquête, Année]" ) stub( "Caractéristique sociodémographique" ); {FR}} crosstab float(0) nt11171u v013w2+parity+v213w+useiud+v102w+v101w+v106w+v190w+total total //NOPRINT exclude(rowzero,colzero,percents,totals,specval) title( "Table 11.17.1_NOVO (NOVA FORMULA ANEMIA) Prevalence of anemia in women (Number of un-weighted cases)" ) stub( "Background characteristic" ); //END Sep 06, 2024 PROC RECODE8_FF preproc SetLanguage("PT"); // !!!change to language to be used from valuesets in working dicionary //SetLanguage("EN"); // !!!change to language to be used from valuesets in working dicionary eb = 0; total = 0; numwom = 1; numman = 1; numhh = 1; numchild = 1; numchil1 = 1; med1st = 1; { up to DHS6 it was 0.75 but due to change in calculation of age now using days the midpoint of the 0-1 } emsample = 0; { 0 - All woman sample, 1 - Ever married woman sample } unweight = ( sysparm()[1:1] = "U" ); { 0-Weighted, 1-unweighted } maxhght = 2200; { maximum height 220 cms } maxwght = 2000; { maximum weight 200 Kgs } minhght = 1300; { minimum height 130 cms } minwght = 350; { minimum weight 35 Kgs } postproc { constructs table to determine whether run is weighted/unweighted } txxx(unweight,0) = sysdate( "dd" ); { day } txxx(unweight,1) = sysdate( "mm" ); { month } txxx(unweight,2) = sysdate( "yyyy" ); { year } { Table 11.1 processing } jtot1 = tblcol( t1101, hghtage ); jmax = jtot1 - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax if j <> 2 & j <> 7 & j <> 11 then t1101[*,j] = 100 * t1101[*,j] / t1101[*,jtot1]; { percents } else t1101[*,j] = (t1101[*,j] / t1101[*,jtot1]) / 100; { means } endif; enddo; jtot2 = tblcol( t1101, wghthght ); jmax = jtot2 - 1; do j = jtot1+1 while j <= jmax if j <> 2 & j <> 7 & j <> 11 then t1101[*,j] = 100 * t1101[*,j] / t1101[*,jtot2]; { percents } else t1101[*,j] = (t1101[*,j] / t1101[*,jtot2]) / 100; { means } endif; enddo; jtot3 = tblcol( t1101, wghtage ); jmax = jtot3 - 1; do j = jtot2+1 while j <= jmax if j <> 2 & j <> 7 & j <> 11 then t1101[*,j] = 100 * t1101[*,j] / t1101[*,jtot3]; { percents } else t1101[*,j] = (t1101[*,j] / t1101[*,jtot3]) / 100; { means } endif; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t1101", t1101, 0, jtot1-2, t1101u, 0 ); { height for age } Col2Dim( "t1101", t1101, jtot1+1, jtot2-2, t1101u, 1 ); { weight for height } Col2Dim( "t1101", t1101, jtot2+1, jtot3-2, t1101u, 2 ); { weight for age } { handle Mean BMI (which can be negative) separately } j = tblcol(t1101, hghtage = 3); k = tblcol(t1101, wghthght = 4); l = tblcol(t1101, wghtage = 3); do i = 0 while i <= tblrow(t1101) if t1101u(i,0) < 25 then t1101(i,j) = asterisk endif; if t1101u(i,1) < 25 then t1101(i,k) = asterisk endif; if t1101u(i,2) < 25 then t1101(i,l) = asterisk endif; enddo; { write out SDG indicators } itot = tblrow( t1101 ); sdgsex = tblrow( t1101, sex2 = 1 ); jtot = tblcol( t1101, hghtage = 2 ); { stunting < -2 SD } SDGIndicator( "2.2.1", t1101(sdgsex,jtot), t1101(sdgsex+1,jtot), t1101(itot,jtot) ); jtot1 = tblcol( t1101, wghthght = 2 ); { wasting < -2 SD } SDGIndicator( "2.2.2.a", t1101(sdgsex,jtot1), t1101(sdgsex+1,jtot1), t1101(itot,jtot1) ); jtot2 = tblcol( t1101, wghthght = 3 ); { overweight > +2 SD } SDGIndicator( "2.2.2.b", t1101(sdgsex,jtot2), t1101(sdgsex+1,jtot2), t1101(itot,jtot2) ); { malnutrition, sum of wasting and overweight } SDGIndicator( "2.2.2", t1101(sdgsex,jtot1)+t1101(sdgsex,jtot2), t1101(sdgsex+1,jtot1)+t1101(sdgsex+1,jtot2), t1101(itot,jtot1)+t1101(itot,jtot2) ); { Table 11.1w processing } t1101w[*,0] = t1101w[*,0] * 100 / t1101w[*,1]; { Table 11.1a processing } jtot = tblcol( t1101a ); do j = 0 while j <= jtot by 2 t1101a[*,j] = ( t1101a[*,j] / t1101a[*,j+1] ) - 10; enddo; { Table 11.2 processing } jtot = tblcol( t1102 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1102[*,j] = 100 * t1102[*,j] / t1102[*,jtot]; enddo; Col2Dim( "t1102", t1102, 0, jtot-1, t1102u, 0 ); { Table 11.3 processing } jtot = tblcol( t1103 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1103[*,j] = 100 * t1103[*,j] / t1103[*,jtot]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t1103", t1103, 0, jtot-1, t1103u, 0 ); { Table 11.4 processing } jtot1 = tblcol( t1104, brfedst2 ); jmax = jtot1 - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1104[*,j] = 100 * t1104[*,j] / t1104[*,jtot1]; enddo; jtot2 = tblcol( t1104, currbrf ); jmax = jtot2 - 1; do j = jtot1+1 while j <= jmax t1104[*,j] = 100 * t1104[*,j] / t1104[*,jtot2]; enddo; jtot3 = tblcol( t1104, usenipp ); jmax = jtot3 - 1; do j = jtot2+1 while j <= jmax t1104[*,j] = 100 * t1104[*,j] / t1104[*,jtot3]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t1104", t1104, 0, jtot1-1, t1104u, 0 ); Col2Dim( "t1104", t1104, jtot1+1, jtot2-1, t1104u, 1 ); Col2Dim( "t1104", t1104, jtot2+1, jtot3-1, t1104u, 2 ); { assign NAs to cells not applicable in the table } itot = tblrow( t1104, agemnth0 = 4 ); t1104[itot:itot+3,0:jtot1] = NAcells; t1104[0:itot,jtot1+1:jtot2] = NAcells; { Figure 11.5 processing } jtot = tblcol( t1105 ); jmax = jtot - 2; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1105[*,j] = 100 * t1105[*,j] / t1105[*,jtot]; enddo; t1105[*,jmax+1] = tblsum( column t1105[*,0:jmax] ); { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t1105", t1105, 0, jtot1-2, t1105u, 0 ); { Table 11.6 processing } jtot = tblcol( t1106 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1106[*,j,*] = 100 * t1106[*,j,*] / t1106[*,jtot,*]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col3Dim( "t1106", t1106, 0, jtot-1, t1106u, 0 ); { Table 11.7 processing } jtot = tblcol( t1107 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1107[*,j,*] = 100 * t1107[*,j,*] / t1107[*,jtot,*]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col3Dim( "t1107", t1107, 0, jtot-1, t1107u, 0 ); { Table 11.8 processing } { aggregate to determine age 6-11 } iage = tblrow( t1108, agemnth6 = 0 ); t1108[iage,*] = t1108[iage+1,*] + t1108[iage+2,*]; jtot1 = tblcol( t1108, brfmin ); jmax = jtot1 - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1108[*,j] = 100 * t1108[*,j] / t1108[*,jtot1]; enddo; jtot2 = tblcol( t1108, nbrfmin ); jmax = jtot2 - 1; do j = jtot1+1 while j <= jmax t1108[*,j] = 100 * t1108[*,j] / t1108[*,jtot2]; enddo; jtot3 = tblcol( t1108, allmin ); jmax = jtot3 - 1; do j = jtot2+1 while j <= jmax t1108[*,j] = 100 * t1108[*,j] / t1108[*,jtot3]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } t1108u[iage,*] = t1108u[iage+1,*] + t1108u[iage+2,*]; Col2Dim( "t1108", t1108, 0, jtot1-1, t1108u, 0 ); { breastfed children } Col2Dim( "t1108", t1108, jtot1+1, jtot2-1, t1108u, 1 ); { non-breastfed children } Col2Dim( "t1108", t1108, jtot2+1, jtot3-1, t1108u, 2 ); { all children } { Table 11.9 processing } { aggregate to determine age 6-11 } iage = tblrow( t1109, agemnth6 = 0 ); t1109[iage,*] = t1109[iage+1,*] + t1109[iage+2,*]; jtot = tblcol( t1109 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1109[*,j] = 100 * t1109[*,j] / t1109[*,jtot]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } t1109u[iage,*] = t1109u[iage+1,*] + t1109u[iage+2,*]; Col2Dim( "t1109", t1109, 0, jtot-1, t1109u, 0 ); { table 11.10 processing } t1110[*,0] = 100 * t1110[*,0] / t1110[*,1]; { table 11.11 processing } jtot = tblcol( t1111 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1111[*,j] = 100 * t1111[*,j] / t1111[*,jtot]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t1111", t1111, 0, jtot-1, t1111u, 0 ); { Table 11.12 processing } jtot = tblcol( t1112 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1112[*,j] = 100 * t1112[*,j] / t1112[*,jtot]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t1112", t1112, 0, jtot-1, t1112u, 0 ); //INIT Sep 06, 2024 { Table 11.12w processing } jtot = tblcol( nt1112w ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax nt1112w[*,j] = 100 * nt1112w[*,j] / nt1112w[*,jtot]; enddo; { Table 11.12 processing } itot = tblrow( nt1112 ); jtot = tblcol( nt1112 ); jmax = jtot - 2; nt1112[*,1] = tblsum( column nt1112[*,1:jmax] ); { calculates any anemia } do j = 1 while j <= jmax nt1112[*,j] = 100 * nt1112[*,j] / nt1112[*,jtot]; enddo; nt1112[*,jmax+1] = nt1112[*,jmax+1] / nt1112[*,jtot]; // mean hemoglobin // customize 1st column nt1112[*,0] = default; nt1112(itot,0) = 0.0001; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "nt1112", nt1112, 1, jtot-1, nt1112u, 0 ); //END Sep 06, 2024 { Table 11.13 processing } jtot1 = tblcol( t1113, consump1 ); jmax = jtot1 - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1113[*,j] = 100 * t1113[*,j] / t1113[*,jtot1]; enddo; jtot2 = tblcol( t1113 ); jmax = jtot2 - 1; do j = jtot1+1 while j <= jmax t1113[*,j] = 100 * t1113[*,j] / t1113[*,jtot2]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t1113", t1113, 0, jtot1-1, t1113u, 0 ); Col2Dim( "t1113", t1113, jtot1+1, jtot2-1, t1113u, 1 ); { assign NA to not applicable rows } itot = tblrow( t1113, chage6 = 1 ); t1113[itot:itot+1,jtot1+1:jtot2] = NAcells; { NA number for children's age 24-59 } //INIT Dec 01, 2023 t1113[*,0] = 0; //Hide first columns because is repeated //END Dec 01, 2023 { Table 11.14.1 processing } jtot1 = tblcol( t11141, height1 ); t11141[*,0] = t11141[*,0] * 100 / t11141[*,jtot1]; { Percent < 145 cms } jtot2 = tblcol( t11141 ); jmax = jtot2 - 1; j = jtot1 + 1; t11141[*,j] = t11141[*,j] / t11141[*,jtot2]; { mean bmi } do j = j + 1 while j <= jmax t11141[*,j] = t11141[*,j] * 100 / t11141[*,jtot2]; enddo; jtot = tblcol( t11141, bmiw = 3 ); { calculate below 18.5 } t11141[*,jtot] = t11141[*,jtot+1] + t11141[*,jtot+2]; jtot = tblcol( t11141, bmiw = 6 ); { calculate >= 25.0 } t11141[*,jtot] = t11141[*,jtot+1] + t11141[*,jtot+2]; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t11141", t11141, 0, jtot1-1, t11141u, 0 ); { women measured } Col2Dim( "t11141", t11141, jtot1+2, jtot2-1, t11141u, 1 ); { women measured and weighted } { handle Mean BMI (which can be negative) separately } j = tblcol(t11141, bmiw = 1); do i = 0 while i <= tblrow(t11141) if t11141u(i,1) < 25 then t11141(i,j) = asterisk endif; enddo; { Table 11.14.2 processing } jtot1 = tblcol( t11142, heighage ); t11142[*,0] = t11142[*,0] * 100 / t11142[*,jtot1]; { height for age below 2 SD } jtot2 = tblcol( t11142 ); jmax = jtot2 - 1; j = jtot1 + 1; t11142[*,j] = (t11142[*,j] / t11142[*,jtot2]) / 100; { mean bmi z-score divided by 100 because implicit decimals } do j = j + 1 while j <= jmax t11142[*,j] = t11142[*,j] * 100 / t11142[*,jtot2]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t11142", t11142, 0, jtot1-1, t11142u, 0 ); { women measured } Col2Dim( "t11142", t11142, jtot1+2, jtot2-1, t11142u, 1 ); { women measured and weighted } { handle Mean BMI (which can be negative) separately } j = tblcol(t11142, bmiw2 = 1); do i = 0 while i <= tblrow(t11142) if t11142u(i,1) < 25 then t11142(i,j) = asterisk endif; enddo; { Table 11.14.3 processing } jtot = tblcol( t11143 ); jmax = jtot - 1; t11143[*,0] = t11143[*,0] / t11143[*,jtot]; { mean bmi } do j = 1 while j <= jmax t11143[*,j] = t11143[*,j] * 100 / t11143[*,jtot]; enddo; jtot = tblcol( t11143, bmim = 3 ); { calculate below 18.5 } t11143[*,jtot] = t11143[*,jtot+1] + t11143[*,jtot+2]; jtot = tblcol( t11143, bmim = 6 ); { calculate >= 25.0 } t11143[*,jtot] = t11143[*,jtot+1] + t11143[*,jtot+2]; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t11143", t11143, 1, jtot-1, t11143u, 0 ); { handle Mean BMI (which can be negative) separately } j = tblcol(t11143, bmim = 1); do i = 0 while i <= tblrow(t11143) if t11143u(i,0) < 25 then t11143(i,j) = asterisk endif; enddo; { Table 11.14.4 processing } jtot = tblcol( t11144 ); jmax = jtot - 1; t11144[*,0] = (t11144[*,0] / t11144[*,jtot]) / 100; { mean bmi z-score divided by 100 because implicit decimals } do j = 1 while j <= jmax t11144[*,j] = t11144[*,j] * 100 / t11144[*,jtot]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t11144", t11144, 1, jmax, t11144u, 0 ); { handle Mean BMI (which can be negative) separately } j = tblcol(t11144, bmim2 = 1); do i = 0 while i <= tblrow(t11144) if t11144u(i,0) < 25 then t11144(i,j) = asterisk endif; enddo; { Table 11.15 processing } jtot = tblcol( t1115 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1115[*,j] = t1115[*,j] * 100 / t1115[*,jtot]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t1115", t1115, 0, jtot-1, t1115u, 0 ); { Table 11.16 processing } jtot = tblcol( t1116 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1116[*,j] = t1116[*,j] * 100 / t1116[*,jtot]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t1116", t1116, 0, jtot-1, t1116u, 0 ); { Table 11.17.1 processing } jtot = tblcol( t11171 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t11171[*,j] = 100 * t11171[*,j] / t11171[*,jtot]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t11171", t11171, 0, jtot-1, t11171u, 0 ); { write out SDG indicators } SDGIndicator( "2.2.3", default, default, default ); { to provide a header for these indicators } jtot = tblcol( t11171, anemiaw = 1 ); imax = tblrow( t11171, v213w1 = 1 ); SDGIndicator( "2.2.3.b", NACells, t11171(imax,jtot), NACells ); // pregnant women SDGIndicator( "2.2.3.a", NACells, t11171(imax+1,jtot), NACells ); // non-pregnant women //INIT Sep 06, 2024 { Table 11.17.1w processing } jtot = tblcol( nt11171w ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax nt11171w[*,j] = 100 * nt11171w[*,j] / nt11171w[*,jtot]; enddo; { Table 11.17.1 processing } itot = tblrow( nt11171 ); jtot = tblcol( nt11171 ); jmax = jtot - 2; nt11171[*,1] = tblsum( column nt11171[*,1:jmax] ); { calculates any anemia } do j = 1 while j <= jmax nt11171[*,j] = 100 * nt11171[*,j] / nt11171[*,jtot]; enddo; nt11171[*,jmax+1] = nt11171[*,jmax+1] / nt11171[*,jtot]; // mean hemoglobin // customize 1st column nt11171[*,0] = default; nt11171(itot,0) = 0.0001; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "nt11171", nt11171, 0, jtot-1, nt11171u, 0 ); { write out SDG indicators } SDGIndicator( "2.2.3", default, default, default ); { to provide a header for these indicators } jtot = tblcol( nt11171, anemiaw2 = 1 ); imax = tblrow( nt11171, v213w = 1 ); SDGIndicator( "2.2.3.b", NACells, nt11171(imax,jtot), NACells ); // pregnant women SDGIndicator( "2.2.3.a", NACells, nt11171(imax+1,jtot), NACells ); // non-pregnant women //END Sep 06, 2024 { Table 11.17.2 processing } jtot = tblcol( t11172 ); jmax = jtot - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t11172[*,j] = 100 * t11172[*,j] / t11172[*,jtot]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t11172", t11172, 0, jtot-1, t11172u, 0 ); { Table 11.18 processing } jtot1 = tblcol( t1118, salt1 ); jmax = jtot1 - 1; do j = 0 while j <= jmax t1118[*,j] = 100 * t1118[*,j] / t1118[*,jtot1]; enddo; jtot2 = tblcol( t1118 ); jmax = jtot2 - 1; do j = jtot1 + 1 while j <= jmax t1118[*,j] = 100 * t1118[*,j] / t1118[*,jtot2]; enddo; { check unweighted N's } Col2Dim( "t1118", t1118, 0, jtot1-1, t1118u, 0 ); { all households } Col2Dim( "t1118", t1118, jtot1+1, jtot2-1, t1118u, 1 ); { households with salt tested } PROC HOUSEHOLD preproc if HV015 <> 1 then skip case; endif; { level 2 variables to be used in household level postproc } do i = 0 while i <= HV009 childvar(i) = notappl; { child's size at birth } mothelig(i) = 0; { to find out if mother: was measured, isn't pregnant or postpartum } mothcmc(i) = 0; enddo; postproc if unweight then rweight = 1; else rweight = HV005 / 1000000; endif; v102w = HV025; v101w = HV024; v190w = HV270; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Tables 11.1, 11.1a, 11.1b, 11.1c, 11.12 } { hemoglobin & anthropometrics for children in the household } for i in RECH6_EDT do if HV103(HC0) = 1 then { de-facto children } agesingl = HC1; recode agesingl -> chage2; 0:5 -> 1; 6:11 -> 2; 12:23 -> 3; 24:35 -> 4; 36:47 -> 5; -> 6; endrecode; recode agesingl -> chage3; 0:23 -> 1; -> 2; endrecode; sex2 = HC27; pinter2 = notappl; bsize = notappl; mothstat = notappl; mothsta1 = mothstat; mothage1 = notappl; mothbmi = notappl; v106wt = notappl; v106wt2 = v106wt; v106wt8 = v106wt; mother = HV112(HC0); if HC60 in 1:HV009 then mothstat = 1; { child's mother interviewed } mothsta1 = mothstat; v106wt = HC61; { mother's education } if HC61 in 8,missing then v106wt = 9 endif; v106wt2 = v106wt; v106wt8 = v106wt; recode HC63 -> pinter2; { birth interval } notappl -> 1; <24 -> 2; 24:47 -> 3; -> 4; endrecode; if childvar(HC0) <> notappl then { size at birth } bsize = childvar(HC0); recode bsize -> bsize; 5 -> 1; 4 -> 2; 1:3 -> 3; -> 9; endrecode; endif; ageatb = int((HC32-mothcmc(HC60))/12); recode ageatb -> mothage1; <20 -> 1; 20:34 -> 2; -> 3; endrecode; else { mother was not interviewed } recode mother -> mothstat; 0 -> 3; { mother not in household } missing,98,97 -> 9; { missing } -> 2; { mother lives in household } endrecode; mothsta1 = mothstat; if mother in 1:HV009 then { mother lives in household } v106wt = HV106(mother); { mother's education from HH } if HV106(mother) in 8,missing then v106wt = 9 endif; v106wt2 = v106wt; v106wt8 = v106wt; endif; endif; { finding mother in RECH5 for BMI } if mother in 1:HV009 & mothelig(mother) then { mother interviewed and neither pregnant nor postpartum } do j = 1 while j <= soccurs( RECH5 ) if mother = HA0(j) then if HA40(j) in 1200:6000 then { mother measured } ybmi = HA40(j) / 100; xbmi = int( ybmi*10 ); recode xbmi -> mothbmi; 120:184 -> 1; { underweight } 185:249 -> 2; { normal } 250:600 -> 3; { overweight } -> 9; endrecode; endif; break; endif; enddo; endif; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { table 11.1 } { children's anthropometry } numchild = notappl; hghtage = notappl; wghthght = notappl; wghtage = notappl; { height for age } if !special(HC70) & HC70 <= 9990 then hghtage = 1; if HC70 < (-300) then xtab( t1101, rweight ); endif; hghtage = 2; if HC70 < (-200) then xtab( t1101, rweight ); endif; hghtage = 3; xtab( t1101, HC70*rweight ); hghtage = 4; xtab( t1101, rweight ); coltotu = 1; xtab( t1101u ); hghtage = notappl; endif; { weight for height } if !special(HC72) & HC72 < 9990 then wghthght = 1; if HC72 < (-300) then xtab( t1101, rweight ); endif; wghthght = 2; if HC72 < (-200) then xtab( t1101, rweight ); endif; wghthght = 3; if HC72 > 200 then xtab( t1101, rweight ); endif; wghthght = 4; xtab( t1101, HC72*rweight ); wghthght = 5; xtab( t1101, rweight ); coltotu = 2; xtab( t1101u ); wghthght = notappl; endif; { weight for age } if !special(HC71) & HC71 < 9990 then wghtage = 1; if HC71 < (-300) then xtab( t1101, rweight ); endif; wghtage = 2; if HC71 < (-200) then xtab( t1101, rweight ); endif; wghtage = 3; xtab( t1101, HC71*rweight ); wghtage = 4; xtab( t1101, rweight ); coltotu = 3; xtab( t1101u ); wghtage = notappl; endif; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.1w } { if child remeasured } if HC35 in 1:3 then remeas = 2; xtab( t1101w ); if HC2B in 10:2000 & HC3B in 100:2000 then // children with valid weight and height remeas = 1; xtab( t1101w ); endif; endif; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.1a } if !special(HC70) & HC70 <= 9990 then zw = HC70 / 100 + 10; meanscor = 1; xtab( t1101a, rweight*zw ); meanscor = 2; xtab( t1101a, rweight ); endif; if !special(HC71) & HC71 <= 9990 then zw = HC71 / 100 + 10; meanscor = 3; xtab( t1101a, rweight*zw ); meanscor = 4; xtab( t1101a, rweight ); endif; if !special(HC72) & HC72 <= 9990 then zw = HC72 / 100 + 10; meanscor = 5; xtab( t1101a, rweight*zw ); meanscor = 6; xtab( t1101a, rweight ); endif; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { table 11.12 } { anemia for children 6-59 months who were given anemia test } if HV042 = 1 & HC1 in 6:59 & HC55 = 0 then recode agesingl -> chage4; 6:11 -> 1; 12:23 -> 2; 24:35 -> 3; 36:47 -> 4; 48:59 -> 5; -> notappl; endrecode; recode agesingl -> chage5; 6:23 -> 1; 24:59 -> 2; -> notappl; endrecode; anemiac = notappl; chanemia = 1; { all children } xtab( t1112, rweight ); xtab( t1112u ); chanemia = notappl; if HC57 in 1:3 then { any anemia } anemiac = 1; xtab( t1112, rweight ); endif; recode HC57 -> anemiac; { adjusted anemia level } 3 -> 2; { mild } 2 -> 3; { moderate } 1 -> 4; { severe } -> notappl; endrecode; xtab( t1112, rweight ); endif; { anemia subsample } //INIT Sep 06, 2024 { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { table 11.12w } { children 6-59 months eligible for anemia } if HV042 = 1 & HC1 in 6:59 then recode agesingl -> chage4; 6:11 -> 1; 12:23 -> 2; 24:35 -> 3; 36:47 -> 4; 48:59 -> 5; -> notappl; endrecode; recode agesingl -> chage5; 6:23 -> 1; 24:59 -> 2; -> notappl; endrecode; tanemiac = 2; { all children } xtab( nt1112w ); if HC55 = 0 then { tested for anemia } tanemiac = 1; xtab( nt1112w ); endif; endif; { anemia subsample } { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { table 11.12 } // children 6-59 months tested for anemia and with a plausible value for hemoglobin if HV042 = 1 & HC1 in 6:59 & HC56A in 20:256 then recode agesingl -> chage4; 6:11 -> 1; 12:23 -> 2; 24:35 -> 3; 36:47 -> 4; 48:59 -> 5; -> notappl; endrecode; recode agesingl -> chage5; 6:23 -> 1; 24:59 -> 2; -> notappl; endrecode; anemean = notappl; chanemia = 1; recode HC57A -> anemiac2; // anemia level 3 -> 2; // mild 2 -> 3; // moderate 1 -> 4; // severe -> notappl; endrecode; xtab( nt1112, rweight ); xtab( nt1112u ); // to calculate mean hemoglobin anemiac2 = notappl; chanemia = notappl; anemean = 1; xtab( nt1112, rweight*HC56A/10 ); endif; { anemia subsample } //END Sep 06, 2024 endif; { end de-facto children } enddo; { maternal anthropometry and anemia tables for never married } { women in ever married samples } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.12a, 11.12aw, 11.12b, 11.12.1 11.13.1 continuation } if emsample then for i in RECH5_EDT do hhi = HA0; v013w = int( HV105(hhi)/5 ) - 2; v106w = HV106(hhi); if HV106(hhi) in missing,8 then v106w = 9 endif; v106wt = v106w; recode HA1 -> v013w2; 15:19 -> 1; 20:29 -> 2; 30:39 -> 3; -> 4; endrecode; v106wt2 = v106wt; v106wt8 = v106wt; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.12 } if HV115(hhi) = 0 & HV103(hhi) = 1 then { never married & de-facto } if HA13 = 0 then { height/weight measured } xwght = HA2; xhght = HA3; womelig = 1; { all never married women are eligible } if womelig then { if respondent eligible } if HA40 in 0:9990 then ybmi = HA40 / 100; xbmi = int( ybmi*10 ); else xbmi = missing; endif; endif; { end respondent eligible } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.14.1 } bmiw = notappl; if HA1 >= 20 & xhght in minhght:maxhght then yhght = xhght / 10; if yhght < 145 then height1 = 1; xtab( t11141, rweight ); endif; height1 = 2; xtab( t11141, rweight ); coltotu = 1; xtab( t11141u ); endif; height1 = notappl; if HA1 >= 20 & womelig then if !special( xbmi ) then bmiw = 1; xtab( t11141, ybmi*rweight ); recode xbmi -> bmiw; <170 -> 5; 170:184 -> 4; 180:249 -> 2; 250:299 -> 7; 300:600 -> 8; -> notappl; endrecode; xtab( t11141, rweight ); bmiw = 9; xtab( t11141, rweight ); coltotu = 2; xtab( t11141u ); endif; endif; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.14.2 } if HA1 in 15:19 then bmiw2 = notappl; { height for age } if !special(HA70) & HA70 <= 9990 then heighage = 2; xtab( t11142, rweight ); coltotu = 1; xtab( t11142u ); if HA70 < (-200) then heighage = 1; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; endif; heighage = notappl; if womelig & !special(HA73) & HA73 <= 9990 then bmiw2 = 1; xtab( t11142, HA73*rweight ); if HA73 in (-100):100 then bmiw2 = 2; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if HA73 < (-100) then bmiw2 = 3; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if HA73 in (-200):(-101) then bmiw2 = 4; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if HA73 < (-200) then bmiw2 = 5; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if HA73 > 100 then bmiw2 = 6; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if HA73 in 101:200 then bmiw2 = 7; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if HA73 > 200 then bmiw2 = 8; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; //bmiw = 9; bmiw2 = 9; //Oct 24, 2023 xtab( t11142, rweight ); coltotu = 2; xtab( t11142u ); endif; endif; endif; { end height/weight measured } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.17.1 } if HV042 = 1 & HA55 = 0 then { woman tested for hemoglobin } parity = notappl; v213w = notappl; v213w1 = v213w; v213w4 = v213w; useiud = notappl; recode HA1 -> v013w2; 15:19 -> 1; 20:29 -> 2; 30:39 -> 3; -> 4; endrecode; v106w = HA66; if HA66 in 8,missing then v106w = 9 endif; anemiaw = 5; { all women } xtab( t11171, rweight ); if HA57 in 1:3 then { any anemia } anemiaw = 1; xtab( t11171, rweight ); endif; recode HA57 -> anemiaw; { adjusted level of anemia } 3 -> 2; { mild } 2 -> 3; { moderate } 1 -> 4; { severe } -> notappl; endrecode; xtab( t11171, rweight ); endif; { end woman tested for hemoglobin } //INIT Sep 06, 2024 { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.17.1w } if HV042 = 1 then { woman eligible for hemoglobin } parity = notappl; v213w = notappl; useiud = notappl; recode HA1 -> v013w2; 15:19 -> 1; 20:29 -> 2; 30:39 -> 3; -> 4; endrecode; v106w = HA66; if HA66 in 8,missing then v106w = 9 endif; tanemiaw = 2; { all women } xtab( nt11171w ); if HA55 = 0 then { tested for anemia } tanemiaw = 1; xtab( nt11171w ); endif; endif; { end woman tested for hemoglobin } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.17.1 } // woman tested for anemia and with a plausible value for hemoglobin if HV042 = 1 & HA56A(i) in 20:256 then parity = notappl; v213w = notappl; useiud = notappl; recode HA1 -> v013w2; 15:19 -> 1; 20:29 -> 2; 30:39 -> 3; -> 4; endrecode; v106w = HA66; if HA66 in 8,missing then v106w = 9 endif; anemean = notappl; numwom = 1; recode HA57A(i) -> anemiaw2; 3 -> 2; // mild 2 -> 3; // moderate 1 -> 4; // severe -> notappl; endrecode; xtab( nt11171, rweight ); xtab( nt11171u ); // to calculate mean hemoglobin anemiaw2 = notappl; numwom = notappl; anemean = 1; xtab( nt11171, rweight*HA56A(i)/10 ); numwom = 1; { all women } endif; { end woman tested for hemoglobin } //END Sep 06, 2024 endif; { end never married & de-facto } enddo; endif; { end of ever married sample } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Tables 11.18 } salt2 = notappl; salt1 = 4; xtab( t1118, rweight ); coltotu = 1; xtab( t1118u ); recode HV234A -> salt1; 0,1 -> 1; { salt tested } 6 -> 2; { salt not tested, was available but wasn't tested } -> 3; { salt not tested/no salt in household/missing } endrecode; xtab( t1118, rweight ); salt1 = notappl; { for households with salt tested } if HV234A in 0,1 then salt2 = 2; xtab( t1118, rweight ); coltotu = 2; xtab( t1118u ); if HV234A = 1 then salt2 = 1; xtab( t1118, rweight ); endif; endif; { nutritional status & anemia for men are calculated at the individual level } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.12.2, 11.12.2a, 11.13.2 } if HV042 = 1 then { household selected for hemoglobin } for i in RECH1_EDT do if HV118 = 1 then MCASEID = concat( HHID, edit("ZZ9", HVIDX) ); if loadcase( MRECODE8, MCASEID ) & MV015 = 1 then { found & complete questionnaire } if unweight then rweight = 1; else rweight = MV005/1000000; endif; { to tally total for all men regardless of age } totmen = 0; totmen1 = 0; { to tally total for men 15-49 } tot1549 = 0; tot2049 = 0; { to tally men 50-54[59] } men5059 = ( MV012 in 50:59 ); { general variables } v102w = MV102; v101w = MV101; v106w = MV106; if MV106 in 8,missing then v106w = 9 endif; v190w = MV190; recode MV013 -> v013w2; 1 -> 1; 2:3 -> 2; 4:5 -> 3; -> 4; endrecode; { to properly tabulate men, variables for men 50 and above are set to NotAppl } if MV012 > 49 then tot1549 = notappl; tot2049 = notappl; v102w = notappl; v101w = notappl; v106w = notappl; v190w = notappl; v013w2 = notappl; endif; { find man in HH record with hemoglobin data } {**** do j = 1 while j <= soccurs( RECHMA ) if MV003 = HB0(j) then { man found } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.14.3 } if HB40(j) in 0:9990 & HB1(j) in 20:49 then ybmi = HB40(j) / 100; xbmi = int( ybmi*10 ); bmim = 1; xtab( t11143, ybmi*rweight ); recode xbmi -> bmim; <170 -> 5; 170:184 -> 4; 180:249 -> 2; 250:299 -> 7; 300:600 -> 8; -> notappl; endrecode; xtab( t11143, rweight ); bmim = 9; xtab( t11143, rweight ); xtab( t11143u ); endif; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.14.4 } if HB1(j) in 15:19 & !special(HB73(j)) & HB73(j) <= 9990 then bmim2 = 1; xtab( t11144, HB73(j)*rweight ); if HB73(j) in (-100):100 then bmim2 = 2; xtab( t11144, rweight ); endif; if HB73(j) < (-100) then bmim2 = 3; xtab( t11144, rweight ); endif; if HB73(j) in (-200):(-101) then bmim2 = 4; xtab( t11144, rweight ); endif; if HB73(j) < (-200) then bmim2 = 5; xtab( t11144, rweight ); endif; if HB73(j) > 100 then bmim2 = 6; xtab( t11144, rweight ); endif; if HB73(j) in 101:200 then bmim2 = 7; xtab( t11144, rweight ); endif; if HB73(j) > 200 then bmim2 = 8; xtab( t11144, rweight ); endif; bmim2 = 9; xtab( t11144, rweight ); coltotu = 1; xtab( t11144u ); endif; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.17.2 } if HB55(j) = 0 then { man tested for hemoglobin } anemiam = 5; { all men } xtab( t11172, rweight ); xtab( t11172u ); if HB56(j) in 0:129 then anemiam = 1; { any anemia } xtab( t11172, rweight ); endif; recode HB56(j) -> anemiam; 110:129 -> 2; { mild } 80:109 -> 3; { moderate } 0:79 -> 4; { severe } -> notappl; endrecode; xtab( t11172, rweight ); endif; { end man tested for hemoglobin } break; endif; { end man found } enddo; { end loop to locate a man } ****} endif; { end loadcase & complete interview } endif; { end man eligible } enddo; { end loop over HH members } endif; { end HH selected for hemoglobin } PROC WOMAN preproc if V015 <> 1 then skip case; endif; postproc if unweight then rweight = 1; else rweight = V005 / 1000000; endif; { general variables } v101w = V101; v102w = V102; v013w = V013; recode V013 -> v013w2; 1 -> 1; 2:3 -> 2; 4:5 -> 3; -> 4; endrecode; v106w = V106; if V106 in 8,missing then v106w = 9 endif; v106wt = v106w; v106wt2 = v106wt; v106wt8 = v106wt; v190w = V190; recode V213 -> v213w; 1 -> 1; -> 2; endrecode; v213w1 = v213w; v213w4 = v213w; mothcmc(V003) = V011; { store CMC of birth to be used in table 11.1 } { store child size at birth to be used at level 1 by table 11.1 } { if there are children duplicated, the last one takes precedence } for i in REC41_EDT do if MIDX <> 0 then chline = B16(MIDX); if chline in 1:HV009 then childvar( chline ) = M18 endif; endif; enddo; { find last child < 24 living with mother for tables 11.3, 11.5, 11.6, 11.8, 11.9 11.10, 11.11 } lastch = 0; for i in REC41_EDT do if MIDX <> 0 & B19(MIDX) < 24 & B9(MIDX) = 0 then lastch = MIDX; break; endif; enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.2 } for i in REC4A_EDT do sex2 = B4(HIDXA); months = B19(HIDXA); ageatb = int((B3(HIDXA)-V011)/12); recode ageatb -> mothage2; 15:19 -> 1; 20:29 -> 2; 30:39 -> 3; -> 4; endrecode; recode months -> chage2; 0:5 -> 1; 6:11 -> 2; 12:23 -> 3; 24:35 -> 4; 36:47 -> 5; -> 6; endrecode; recode months -> chage3; 0:23 -> 1; -> 2; endrecode; if H70A = 1 then h70w = 1; xtab( t1102, rweight ); endif; if H70B = 1 then h70w = 2; xtab( t1102, rweight ); endif; if H70C = 1 then h70w = 3; xtab( t1102, rweight ); endif; if H70A = 1 & H70B = 1 then h70w = 4; xtab( t1102, rweight ); endif; if H70A = 1 & H70B = 1 & H70C = 1 then h70w = 5; xtab( t1102, rweight ); endif; h70w = 6; xtab( t1102, rweight ); xtab( t1102u ); enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.3 } for i in REC41_EDT do months = P19(MIDXP); if M80 in 1,2 & months < 24 then // children born in the last 2 years sex2 = B4(MIDX); { assistance at delivery } if M3A = 1 | M3B = 1 | M3C = 1 | M3D = 1 | M3E = 1 then adeliv = 1 { medical } elseif M3F = 1 | M3G = 1 then adeliv = 2 { birth attendant } elseif M3H = 1 | M3I = 1 | M3J = 1 | M3K = 1 | M3L = 1 | M3M = 1 then adeliv = 3 { other } elseif M3N = 1 then adeliv = 4 { no one } else adeliv = 9 { missing } endif; { place of delivery } recode M15 -> m15w; missing -> 9; { missing } 20:49 -> 1; { health facility public/private/NGO } 11:19 -> 2; { home } -> 3; { other } endrecode; { delivery by caesarean section } recode M17 -> birtype1; 0 -> 1; // vaginal birth 1 -> 2; // caesarean section -> M17; endrecode; { counseling on breastfeeding ANC } recode M42H -> m42hw; notappl -> 3; 0 -> 2; -> M42H; endrecode; { counseling on breastfeeding PNC } recode M78D -> m78dw; 0,8 -> 2; -> M78D; endrecode; { counseling on breastfeeding PNC } recode M78E -> m78ew; 0,8 -> 2; -> M78E; endrecode; brfedst1 = 4; xtab( t1103, rweight ); xtab( t1103u ); if !M4 in 94,missing then { ever breastfed } brfedst1 = 1; xtab( t1103, rweight ); if M34 in 0,100 then { breastfed within one hour } brfedst1 = 2; xtab( t1103, rweight ); endif; if M55 = 0 then { exclusive breastfed first two days } brfedst1 = 3; xtab( t1103, rweight ); endif; endif; endif; enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.4 } {****Dec 1, 2023 //Apr 11, 2023 { temporarily changes the current breastfeeding status for multiple births, for table 11.4 } { -if the last of the multiple births is alive and currently breastfeeding } { -the change only applies to children living with the respondent } k = seek(MIDX <> 0); if k & B0(1) & B5(1) & M4(k) = 95 then j = 1; do i = k + 1 while i <= soccurs(REC41) if MIDX(i) then j = j + 1; if B0(j) & B3(1) = B3(j) & B5(j) & B9(j) = 0 then M4(i) = 95 endif; endif; enddo; endif; // ***} yngst = 1; for i in REC41_EDT do if M80 in 1,2 & B5(MIDX) = 1 then months = B19(MIDX); sex2 = B4(MIDX); recode months -> agemnth0; 0:1 -> 1; 2:3 -> 2; 4:5 -> 3; 6:11 -> 4; 12:15 -> 5; 16:19 -> 6; 20:23 -> 7; -> notappl; endrecode; FoodConsumption(); { table 11.4 } brfedst2 = notappl; currbrf = notappl; usenipp = notappl; if months in 0:5 & B9(MIDX) = 0 & yngst then { 0-5 months, living with the mother } yngst = 0; brfedst2 = 3; xtab( t1104, rweight ); coltotu = 1; xtab( t1104u ); if M4 = 95 & !anyDK & !plnwat & !liquid & !milky & !food then brfedst2 = 1; xtab( t1104, rweight ); endif; if M4 = 95 & milk then brfedst2 = 2; xtab( t1104, rweight ); endif; endif; brfedst2 = notappl; if months in 12:23 then currbrf = 2; xtab( t1104, rweight ); coltotu = 2; xtab( t1104u ); if M4 = 95 then currbrf = 1; xtab( t1104, rweight ); endif; endif; currbrf = notappl; if months in 0:23 then usenipp = 2; xtab( t1104, rweight ); coltotu = 3; xtab( t1104u ); if M38 = 1 then usenipp = 1; xtab( t1104, rweight ); endif; endif; endif; enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.5 } yngst = 1; for i in REC41_EDT do months = P19(MIDXP); if M80 in 1,2 & months in 0:5 & B9(MIDX) = 0 & yngst then //0-5 months, living with mother yngst = 0; sex2 = B4(MIDX); recode months -> agemnth1; 0:1 -> 1; 2:3 -> 2; 4:5 -> 3; -> notappl; endrecode; agemnth2 = 1; nobreast = ( M4 <> 95 ); { not breastfeeding } brfedst3 = 9; xtab( t1105, rweight ); xtab( t1105u ); FoodConsumption(); if nobreast then brfedst3 = 6; elseif anyDK then brfedst3 = 7; else recode plnwat :: liquid :: milky :: food -> brfedst3; 0 :: 0 :: 0 :: 0 -> 1; { Breastfeed only (exclusive breastfeeding) } 1 :: 0 :: 0 :: 0 -> 2; { Plain water only } :: 1 :: 0 :: 0 -> 3; { water based liquids } :: :: 1 :: 0 -> 4; { milk } :: :: :: 1 -> 5; { complementary food } :: :: :: -> default; { everybody else missing } endrecode; endif; xtab( t1105, rweight ); endif; enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.6 } { !!! application based on standard categories } { please check with SM to clasify CS liquids } for i in REC41_EDT do months = P19(MIDXP); if M80 in 1,2 & months < 24 & lastch = MIDX then { last born under 2 living with mother } recode months -> agemnth3; 0:1 -> 1; 2:3 -> 2; 4:5 -> 3; 6:8 -> 4; 9:11 -> 5; 12:17 -> 6; 18:23 -> 7; -> notappl; endrecode; recode months -> agemnth4; 0:5 -> 1; 6:11 -> 2; 12:23 -> 3; -> notappl; endrecode; recode months -> agemnth5; 6:23 -> 1; -> notappl; endrecode; recode M4 -> breastfd; 95 -> 1; { breastfeeding } -> 2; { not breastfeeding } endrecode; liquid1 = notappl; milkdrk = notappl; yogurt = notappl; soymilk = notappl; liquid2 = notappl; teacoffe = notappl; liquid3 = notappl; otherl = notappl; numch2 = notappl; { plain water } gavefood = given(V409); if gavefood then liquid1 = 1; xtab( t1106, rweight ); endif; { baby formula } gavefood = given(V411A); if gavefood then liquid1 = 2; xtab( t1106, rweight ); endif; liquid1 = notappl; { tinned, powered and milk from animals } gavefood = given(V411); if gavefood then milkdrk = 1; xtab( t1106, rweight ); if V411S = 1 then milkdrk = 2; xtab( t1106, rweight ); endif; endif; milkdrk = notappl; { yogurt } gavefood = given(V413A); if gavefood then yogurt = 1; xtab( t1106, rweight ); if V413AS = 1 then yogurt = 2; xtab( t1106, rweight ); endif; endif; yogurt = notappl; { soymilk } gavefood = given(V413B); if gavefood then soymilk = 1; xtab( t1106, rweight ); if V413BS = 1 then soymilk = 2; xtab( t1106, rweight ); endif; endif; soymilk = notappl; { juice and fruit flavored drinks } gavefood = given(V410); if gavefood then liquid2 = 1; xtab( t1106, rweight ); endif; { sodas, malt, sport, energy drinks } gavefood = given(V413D); if gavefood then liquid2 = 2; xtab( t1106, rweight ); endif; liquid2 = notappl; { tea, coffee } gavefood = given(V410A); if gavefood then teacoffe = 1; xtab( t1106, rweight ); if V410AS = 1 then teacoffe = 2; xtab( t1106, rweight ); endif; endif; teacoffe = notappl; { clear broth, soup } gavefood = given(V412C); if gavefood then liquid3 = 1; xtab( t1106, rweight ); endif; liquid3 = notappl; { other liquids } gavefood = given(V413C) + given(V413); if gavefood then otherl = 1; xtab( t1106, rweight ); if V413S = 1 then otherl = 2; xtab( t1106, rweight ); endif; endif; otherl = notappl; { number of children } numch2 = 1; xtab( t1106, rweight ); xtab( t1106u ); endif; { end last born under 2 living with mother } enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.7 } { !!! application based on standard categories } { please check with SM to clasify CS foods } for i in REC41_EDT do months = P19(MIDXP); if M80 in 1,2 & months < 24 & lastch = MIDX then { last born under 2 living with mother } recode months -> agemnth3; 0:1 -> 1; 2:3 -> 2; 4:5 -> 3; 6:8 -> 4; 9:11 -> 5; 12:17 -> 6; 18:23 -> 7; 24:35 -> 8; -> notappl; endrecode; recode months -> agemnth4; 0:5 -> 1; 6:11 -> 2; 12:23 -> 3; -> notappl; endrecode; recode months -> agemnth5; 6:23 -> 1; -> notappl; endrecode; recode M4 -> breastfd; 95 -> 1; { breastfeeding } -> 2; { not breastfeeding } endrecode; numch2 = notappl; { foods made from grains } gavefood = given(V414E); if gavefood then solfood = 1; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { White/pale starchy roots, tubers, and plantains } gavefood = given(V414F); if gavefood then solfood = 2; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { Beans, peas, lentils, nuts, and seeds } gavefood = given(V414O) + given(V414C); if gavefood then solfood = 3; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { Cheese and yogurt } gavefood = given(V414V) & !given(V413A) + given(V414P); if gavefood then solfood = 4; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { Meat, fish, poultry, organ meats } gavefood = given(V414M) + given(V414B) + given(V414H) + given(V414N); if gavefood then solfood = 5; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { eggs } gavefood = given(V414G); if gavefood then solfood = 6; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { Vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables } gavefood = given(V414I) + given(V414J) + given(V414K) + given(V414WA); if gavefood then solfood = 7; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { Other fruits and vegetables } gavefood = given(V414A) + given(V414L); if gavefood then solfood = 8; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { Insects and other small protein foods } gavefood = given(V414D); if gavefood then solfood = 9; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { Red palm oil } gavefood = given(V414U); if gavefood then solfood = 10; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { Sweet foods such as chocolates, candies, pastries, cakes, biscuits, ice cream, popsicles } gavefood = given(V414R); if gavefood then solfood = 11; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { Fried and salty foods such as chips, crisps, puffs, french fries, fried dough } gavefood = given(V414T); if gavefood then solfood = 12; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; { Other solid, semi-solid, and soft food } gavefood = given(V414S); if gavefood then solfood = 13; xtab( t1107, rweight ); endif; solfood = notappl; { count all children } numch2 = 1; xtab( t1107, rweight ); xtab( t1107u ); endif; { end last born under 3 living with mother } enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.8 } { !!! table 11.8 is based on the standard categories defined in the } { core questionnaire. If there are country specific questions SM } { should specify where they should be tallied. } for i in REC41_EDT do months = P19(MIDXP); if M80 in 1,2 & months in 6:23 & lastch = MIDX then { last child 6-23 months living with mother } sex2 = B4(MIDX); recode months -> agemnth6; 6:8 -> 1; 9:11 -> 2; 12:17 -> 3; 18:23 -> 4; -> notappl; endrecode; brfmin = notappl; nbrfmin = notappl; allmin = notappl; FoodGroups(); MinimumFeed(); if M4 = 95 then { currently breastfeeding } brfmin = 4; xtab( t1108, rweight ); coltotu = 1; xtab( t1108u ); if allgrp >= 5 then { 5+ food groups } brfmin = 1; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; if minfeedb then brfmin = 2; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { both 5+ & minimum times } if allgrp >= 5 & minfeedb then brfmin = 3; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; brfmin = notappl; else { not currently breastfeeding } nbrfmin = 5; xtab( t1108, rweight ); coltotu = 2; xtab( t1108u ); { milk or milk products given 2+ times } if totmilkf >= 2 then nbrfmin = 1; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { 5+ food groups } if allgrp >= 5 then nbrfmin = 2; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { 4+ times or more at least one a solid, semisolid food } if minfeedn then nbrfmin = 3; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { with 3 appropriate IYCF practices } if allgrp >= 5 & totmilkf >= 2 & minfeedn then nbrfmin = 4; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; nbrfmin = notappl; endif; { end currently breastfeeding } { all children breastfed and non-breastfed } allmin = 4; xtab( t1108, rweight ); coltotu = 3; xtab( t1108u ); { 5+ food groups including all } if allgrp >= 5 then allmin = 1; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { minimum times or more for breastfed and non-breastfed } if minfeedb | minfeedn then allmin = 2; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { with 3 IYCF practices } if M4 = 95 & minfeedb & allgrp >= 5 | { IYCF for breastfed children } M4 <> 95 & allgrp >= 5 & totmilkf >= 2 & minfeedn then { IYCF for non-breastfed children } allmin = 3; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; endif; { end last child 6-23 living with mother } enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.9 } { !!! table 11.9 is based on the standard categories defined in the } { core questionnaire. If there are country specific questions SM } { should specify where they should be tallied. } for i in REC41_EDT do months = P19(MIDXP); if M80 in 1,2 & months in 6:23 & lastch = MIDX then { last child 6-23 months living with mother } sex2 = B4(MIDX); recode months -> agemnth6; 6:8 -> 1; 9:11 -> 2; 12:17 -> 3; 18:23 -> 4; -> notappl; endrecode; recode M4 -> brfeed1; 95 -> 1; missing -> 9; -> 2; endrecode; eggflsh = notappl; unhealth = notappl; numch3 = notappl; { eggs, flesh food } if given(V414G) | given(V414M) | given(V414B) | given(V414H) | given(V414N) then eggflsh = 1; xtab( t1109, rweight); endif; eggflsh = notappl; { sweet beverage } if given(V411S) | given(V413AS) | given(V413BS) | given(V413C) | given(V410) | given(V413D) | given(V410AS) | given(V413S) then unhealth = 1; xtab( t1109, rweight); endif; { unhealthy food } if given(V414R) | given(V414W) | given(V414T) then unhealth = 2; xtab( t1109, rweight); endif; { Zero vegetable or fruit } if notgiven(V414I) & notgiven(V414J) & notgiven(V414K) & notgiven(V414A) & notgiven(V414L) & notgiven(V414WA) then unhealth = 3; xtab( t1109, rweight); endif; unhealth = notappl; numch3 = 1; xtab( t1109, rweight ); xtab( t1109u ); endif; { end last child 6-23 living with mother } enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { table 11.10 } for i in REC41_EDT do months = P19(MIDXP); if M80 in 1,2 & months < 24 then // children born in the last 2 years FoodConsumption(); // call functions to generate variables used by several indicators FoodGroups(); MinimumFeed(); rowfood = 1; // Ever breastfed numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if M4 <> 94 then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; rowfood = 2; // Early initiation of breastfeeding numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if M34 in 0,100 then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; rowfood = 3; // Exclusively breastfed for the first 2 days after birth numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if M55 = 0 then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; if lastch = MIDX & months in 0:5 then rowfood = 4; // Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if M4 = 95 & !anyDK & !plnwat & !liquid & !milky & !food then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if lastch = MIDX & months in 0:5 then rowfood = 5; // Mixed milk feeding under 6 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if M4 = 95 & milk then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if B5(MIDX) = 1 & months in 12:23 then rowfood = 6; // Continued breastfeeding 12-23 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if M4 = 95 then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if lastch = MIDX & months in 6:8 then rowfood = 7; // Introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods 6-8 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if food then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if lastch = MIDX & months in 6:23 then rowfood = 8; // Minimum dietary diversity 6-23 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if allgrp >= 5 then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if lastch = MIDX & months in 6:23 then rowfood = 9; // Minimum meal frequency 6-23 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if minfeedb | minfeedn then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if M4 <> 95 & lastch = MIDX & months in 6:23 then rowfood = 10; // Minimum milk feeding frequency for non-breastfed children 6-23 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); xtemp = 0; if totmilkf >= 2 then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if lastch = MIDX & months in 6:23 then rowfood = 11; // Minimum acceptable diet 6-23 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if M4 = 95 & minfeedb & allgrp >= 5 | M4 <> 95 & allgrp >= 5 & totmilkf >= 2 & minfeedn then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if lastch = MIDX & months in 6:23 then rowfood = 12; // Egg and/or flesh food consumption 6-23 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if given(V414G) | given(V414M) | given(V414B) | given(V414H) | given(V414N) then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if lastch = MIDX & months in 6:23 then rowfood = 13; // Sweet beverage consumption 6-23 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if given(V411S) | given(V413AS) | given(V413BS) | given(V413C) | given(V410) | given(V413D) | given(V410AS) | given(V413S) then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if lastch = MIDX & months in 6:23 then rowfood = 14; // Unhealthy food consumption 6-23 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if given(V414R) | given(V414T) | given(V414W) then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if lastch = MIDX & months in 6:23 then rowfood = 15; // Zero vegetable or fruit consumption 6-23 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if notgiven(V414I) & notgiven(V414J) & notgiven(V414K) & notgiven(V414A) & notgiven(V414L) & notgiven(V414WA) then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; if B5(MIDX) = 1 & months in 0:23 then rowfood = 16; // Bottle feeding 0-23 months numpct = 2; xtab( t1110, rweight ); if M38 = 1 then numpct = 1; xtab( t1110, rweight ); endif; endif; endif; enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { table 11.11 } for i in REC41_EDT do months = P19(MIDXP); if M80 in 1,2 & months in 6:23 & lastch = MIDX then sex1 = B4(MIDX); recode months -> agemnth7; 6:11 -> 2; 12:23 -> 3; -> notappl; endrecode; counself = 2; xtab( t1111, rweight ); xtab( t1111u ); if V486 = 1 then counself = 1; xtab( t1111, rweight ); endif; endif; enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.13 } for i in REC4A_EDT do months = B19(HIDXA); if months in 6:59 then sex2 = B4(HIDXA); recode months -> chage6; 6:8 -> 1; 9:11 -> 2; 12:17 -> 3; 18:23 -> 4; 24:35 -> 5; 36:47 -> 6; 48:59 -> 7; -> notappl; endrecode; recode months -> chage5; 6:23 -> 1; 24:59 -> 2; -> notappl; endrecode; recode V012 -> mothage2; { mother's age } <20 -> 1; 20:29 -> 2; 30:39 -> 3; -> 4; endrecode; brfeed = notappl; do j = 1 while j <= soccurs(REC41) //Jun 16, 2023 if MIDXP(j) = HIDXA then if MIDX(j) = HIDXA then recode M4(j) -> brfeed; 95 -> 1; { breastfeeding } missing -> 9; { missing } -> 2; { not breastfeeding } endrecode; break; endif; enddo; consump2 = notappl; consump1 = 5; xtab( t1113, rweight ); coltotu = 1; xtab( t1113u ); if H42 = 1 then // iron tablets/syrups consump1 = 1; xtab( t1113, rweight ); endif; if H80A = 1 then // micronutrient powders consump1 = 2; xtab( t1113, rweight ); endif; if H42 = 1 | H80A = 1 then // iron tablets/syrups or micronutrient powders consump1 = 3; xtab( t1113, rweight ); endif; lastva = 0; if soccurs(REC43) >= i & H33M(i) in 1:12 & H33Y(i) in 2010:2030 then day = H33D(i); if !day in 1:31 then day = 15 endif; lastva = ( int((V008A-CDCode(H33Y(i),H33M(i),day))/DaysMonth) < 6 ); endif; if H34 = 1 | lastva then // Vitamin A supplements in last 6 months4 consump1 = 4; xtab( t1113, rweight ); endif; consump1 = notappl; if months in 12:59 then consump2 = 2; xtab( t1113, rweight ); coltotu = 2; xtab( t1113u ); if H43 = 1 then // Given deworming medication in last 6 months consump2 = 1; xtab( t1113, rweight ); endif; endif; { end last child 6-35 months & living with respondent } endif; enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.14.1 } { definition of eligibility for BMI, used by tables 11.14.1 & 11.14.2 } if v208 > 0 then womelig = ( V213 <> 1 & B19(1) > 1 ); else womelig = ( V213 <> 1 ); endif; mothelig(V003) = womelig; { store mother's eligibility for BMI in table 11.1 } { maternal anthropometry tables for eligible women interviewed. } { never married women if ever married samples are tallied in } { level 1 } if V012 >= 20 & V437 <> notappl then { respondent's age >= 20 & measured } xwght = V437; xhght = V438; if womelig then { if respondent eligible } if V445 in 0:9990 then ybmi = V445 / 100; xbmi = int( ybmi*10 ); else xbmi = missing; endif; endif; { end respondent eligible } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.14.1 } bmiw = notappl; if xhght in minhght:maxhght then yhght = xhght / 10; if yhght < 145 then height1 = 1; xtab( t11141, rweight ); endif; height1 = 2; xtab( t11141, rweight ); coltotu = 1; xtab( t11141u ); endif; height1 = notappl; if womelig then if !special( xbmi ) then bmiw = 1; xtab( t11141, ybmi*rweight ); recode xbmi -> bmiw; <170 -> 5; 170:184 -> 4; 185:249 -> 2; 250:299 -> 7; 300:600 -> 8; -> notappl; endrecode; xtab( t11141, rweight ); bmiw = 9; xtab( t11141, rweight ); coltotu = 2; xtab( t11141u ); endif; endif; endif; { end respondent measured } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.14.2 } if V012 in 15:19 then bmiw2 = notappl; { height for age } if !special(V446A) & V446A <= 9990 then heighage = 2; xtab( t11142, rweight ); coltotu = 1; xtab( t11142u ); if V446A < (-200) then heighage = 1; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; endif; heighage = notappl; if womelig & !special(V446D) & V446D <= 9990 then bmiw2 = 1; xtab( t11142, V446D*rweight ); if V446D in (-100):100 then bmiw2 = 2; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if V446D < (-100) then bmiw2 = 3; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if V446D in (-200):(-101) then bmiw2 = 4; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if V446D < (-200) then bmiw2 = 5; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if V446D > 100 then bmiw2 = 6; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if V446D in 101:200 then bmiw2 = 7; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; if V446D > 200 then bmiw2 = 8; xtab( t11142, rweight ); endif; bmiw2 = 9; xtab( t11142, rweight ); coltotu = 2; xtab( t11142u ); endif; endif; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.15 } foodsw = 20; xtab( t1115, rweight ); xtab( t1115u ); { Foods made from grains } if given(V472E) then foodsw = 1; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { White/pale starchy roots, tubers, and plantains } if given(V472F) then foodsw = 2; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Beans, peas, lentils } if given(V472O) then foodsw = 3; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Nuts and seeds } if given(V472C) then foodsw = 4; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Milk, cheese, yogurt, other milk products } if given(V472P) then foodsw = 5; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Meat, fish, poultry, organ meats } if given(V472M) | given(V472B) | given(V472H) | given(V472N) then foodsw = 6; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Eggs } if given(V472G) then foodsw = 7; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Dark green leafy vegetables } if given(V472J) | given(V472WA) then foodsw = 8; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Other vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables } if given(V472I) | given(V472K) then foodsw = 9; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Other vegetables } if given(V472A) then foodsw = 10; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Other fruits } if given(V472L) then foodsw = 11; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Insects and other small protein foods } if given(V472D) then foodsw = 12; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Red palm oil } if given(V472U) then foodsw = 13; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Sweet foods such as chocolates, candies, pastries, cakes, biscuits, ice cream, popsicles } if given(V472R) | given(V472W) then foodsw = 14; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Fried and salty foods such as chips, crisps, puffs, french fries, fried dough } if given(V472T) then foodsw = 15; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Fruit juice and fruit-flavored drinks } if given(V471E) then foodsw = 16; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Sodas, malt drinks, sports drinks, and energy drinks } if given(V471D) then foodsw = 17; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { Sweetened tea, coffee, herbal drinks and other sweetened beverages } if given(V472V) | given(V471CS) then foodsw = 18; xtab( t1115, rweight ); endif; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.16 } group1 = given(V472E) + given(V472F); { Grains, white/pale starchy roots, tubers, and plantains } group2 = given(V472O); { Beans, peas, lentils } group3 = given(V472C); { Nuts and seeds } group4 = given(V472P); { Dairy } group5 = given(V472M) + given(V472B) + given(V472H) + given(V472N); { Meat, fish, poultry, organ meats } group6 = given(V472G); { Eggs } group7 = given(V472J) + given(V472WA); { Dark green leafy vegetables } group8 = given(V472I) + given(V472K); { Other vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetable } group9 = given(V472A); { Other vegetables } group10 = given(V472L); { Other fruits } allgrp = (group1 > 0) + (group2 > 0) + (group3 > 0) + (group4 > 0) + (group5 > 0) + (group6 > 0) + (group7 > 0) + (group8 > 0) + (group9 > 0) + (group10 > 0); foodsw2 = 5; xtab( t1116, rweight ); xtab( t1116u ); { Minimum dietary diversity for women } if allgrp >= 5 then foodsw2 = 1; xtab( t1116, rweight ); endif; { Sweet beverage consumption } if given(V471E) | given(V471D) | given(V472V) | given(V471CS) then foodsw2 = 2; xtab( t1116, rweight ); endif; { Unhealthy food consumption } if given(V472R) | given(V472T)| given(V472W) then foodsw2 = 3; xtab( t1116, rweight ); endif; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.17.1 } { HH selected for hemoglobin (anemia) and test was given to the respondent } if V042 = 1 & V455 = 0 then recode V201 -> parity; 0 -> 0; 1 -> 1; 2,3 -> 2; 4,5 -> 3; -> 4; endrecode; recode V312 -> useiud; 2 -> 1; -> 2; endrecode; anemiaw = 5; { all women } xtab( t11171, rweight ); xtab( t11171u ); if V457 in 1:3 then { any anemia } anemiaw = 1; xtab( t11171, rweight ); endif; recode V457 -> anemiaw; { adjusted level of anemia } 3 -> 2; { mild } 2 -> 3; { moderate } 1 -> 4; { severe } -> notappl; endrecode; xtab( t11171, rweight ); endif; //INIT Sep 06, 2024 { variables "parity and useiud" used for tables 11.17.1w & 11.17.1 } recode V201 -> parity; 0 -> 0; 1 -> 1; 2,3 -> 2; 4,5 -> 3; -> 4; endrecode; recode V312 -> useiud; 2 -> 1; -> 2; endrecode; { HH selected for hemoglobin (anemia) } if V042 = 1 then tanemiaw = 2; { all women } xtab( nt11171w ); if V455 = 0 then { tested for anemia } tanemiaw = 1; xtab( nt11171w ); endif; endif; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Table 11.17.1 } // women tested for anemia and with a plausible value for hemoglobin if V042 = 1 & V456A in 20:256 then anemean = notappl; numwom = 1; recode V457A -> anemiaw2; { anemia level } 3 -> 2; { mild } 2 -> 3; { moderate } 1 -> 4; { severe } -> notappl; endrecode; xtab( nt11171, rweight ); xtab( nt11171u ); // to calculate mean hemoglobin anemiaw2 = notappl; numwom = notappl; anemean = 1; xtab( nt11171, rweight*V456A/10 ); numwom = 1; { all women } endif; //END Sep 06, 2024