{ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { tables 11.8 } { !!! table 11.8 is based on the standard categories defined in the } { core questionnaire. If there are country specific questions SM } { should specify where they should be tallied. } for i in REC41_EDT do months = P19(MIDXP); if M80 in 1,2 & months in 6:23 & lastch = MIDX then { last child 6-23 months living with mother } sex2 = B4(MIDX); recode months -> agemnth6; 6:8 -> 1; 9:11 -> 2; 12:17 -> 3; 18:23 -> 4; -> notappl; endrecode; brfmin = notappl; nbrfmin = notappl; allmin = notappl; FoodGroups(); MinimumFeed(); if M4 = 95 then { currently breastfeeding } brfmin = 4; xtab( t1108, rweight ); coltotu = 1; xtab( t1108u ); if allgrp >= 5 then { 5+ food groups } brfmin = 1; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; if minfeedb then brfmin = 2; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { both 5+ & minimum times } if allgrp >= 5 & minfeedb then brfmin = 3; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; brfmin = notappl; else { not currently breastfeeding } nbrfmin = 5; xtab( t1108, rweight ); coltotu = 2; xtab( t1108u ); { milk or milk products given 2+ times } if totmilkf >= 2 then nbrfmin = 1; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { 5+ food groups } if allgrp >= 5 then nbrfmin = 2; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { 4+ times or more at least one a solid, semisolid food } if minfeedn then nbrfmin = 3; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { with 3 appropriate IYCF practices } if allgrp >= 5 & totmilkf >= 2 & minfeedn then nbrfmin = 4; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; nbrfmin = notappl; endif; { end currently breastfeeding } { all children breastfed and non-breastfed } allmin = 4; xtab( t1108, rweight ); coltotu = 3; xtab( t1108u ); { 5+ food groups including all } if allgrp >= 5 then allmin = 1; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { minimum times or more for breastfed and non-breastfed } if minfeedb | minfeedn then allmin = 2; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; { with 3 IYCF practices } if M4 = 95 & minfeedb & allgrp >= 5 | { IYCF for breastfed children } M4 <> 95 & allgrp >= 5 & totmilkf >= 2 & minfeedn then { IYCF for non-breastfed children } allmin = 3; xtab( t1108, rweight ); endif; endif; { end last child 6-23 living with mother } enddo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }