Below I'm providing the related variables:
HV206 = YesNo( QH110A ); { electricity }
HV207 = YesNo( QH110B ); { radio }
HV208 = YesNo( QH110C ); { television }
HV243A = YesNo( QH110D ); {mobile phone }
HV221 = YesNo( QH110E );
HV209 = YesNo( QH110F ); { refrigerator }
SH110G = YesNo( QH110G ); {Almirah/wardrc}
SH110H = YesNo( QH110H ); {Table}
SH110I = YesNo( QH110I ); {Chair}
SH110J = YesNo( QH110J ); {Electric fan}
SH110K = YesNo( QH110K ); {DVD/VCD player}
SH110L = YesNo( QH110L ); {Water pump}
SH118A = YesNo( QH118A ); {Autobike}
SH118B = YesNo( QH118B ); {Rickshaw}
HV210 = YesNo( QH118C ); { bicycle }
HV211 = YesNo( QH118D ); { motorcycle/scooter }
HV246 = YesNo( QH121 );
HV246G = NAToZero( QH122_1 ); { CS Bulls/Buffaloes}
HV246B = NAToZero( QH122_2 ); { cows, bulls }
* QH122_3 doesn't exist.
HV246H = NAToZero( QH122_4 ); { CS Goat/Sheep }
HV246I = NAToZero( QH122_5 ); { CS Chickens/Ducks }
SH122A = YesNo(QH122A); {owns homestead}
SH122C = NAtozero(QH122C); {!! amount of land}
HV247 = YesNo( QH123 );
Yesno() is a function we use in CSPro to convert code 2 for No to code 0 in the recode.
NAtoZero() is a function used to convert not applicable (missing in Stata parlance) values to 0 in the recode.