Dear User,
I looked at the questionnaires for the Madagascar DHS 2008-09 survey. Of the variables you mentioned, the only one which was not asked was the question about ethnicity (V131). It was marked as not applicable because it was not asked in the questionnaire. The other variables; V130, V704 and V716 all have codes. If you look at the frequencies, you will see the codes there. There are two sets of frequencies which are weighted and unweighted. I looked at MDIR51.FRWwhich are weighted frequencies.
For example for V130 Item V130: Religion
... tbd-name: '.RECODE5.REC11.V130'
_____________________________ _____________
Categories Frequency CumFreq % Cum %
_______________________________ _____________________________ _____________
1 Catholic 6198 6198 35.7 35.7
2 Protestant 6191 12389 35.6 71.3
3 Muslim 123 12511 0.7 72.0
4 Traditional religion 407 12918 2.3 74.4
5 No religion 3463 16381 19.9 94.3
96 Other 992 17373 5.7 100.0
Missing 2 17375 0.0 100.0
_______________________________ _____________________________ _____________
TOTAL 17375 17375 100.0 100.0