Following is a response from DHS staff member, Tom Pullum:
The Stata lines below illustrate how to get the kinds of numbers I think you are looking for. I am using the PR file for the 2022 survey.
use "...TZPR82FL.DTA" , clear
* hv024 is region
describe hv024
* the label for hv024 is HV024; list it
label list HV024
* which clusters are in hv024=7
tab hv001 if hv024==7
* Look at children in clusters 141 and 142
gen agelt5=0
replace agelt5=1 if hv105<5
label define agelt5 0 "Age 5+" 1 "Age0-4"
label values agelt5 agelt5
* Unweighted
tab agelt5 if hv024==7
tab agelt5 if hv001==141 | hv001==142
* Weighted
tab agelt5 if hv024==7 [iweight=hv005/1000000]
tab agelt5 if hv001==141 | hv001==142 [iweight=hv005/1000000]