Following is a response from DHS staff member, Tom Pullum:
The code below is in Stata but you can convert it to SPSS. It matches the table for the totals row and the wealth quintiles. I suspect that you were not using weights. All results in the final reports are weighted. Also the denominator must be limited to living children (b5=1).
use "...GHKR8BFL.DTA", clear
* BCG: h2; DPT: h3 h5 h7; Polio: h4 h6 h8; Measles: h9
* vaccinated if code is 1 or 2 or 3
forvalues lv=2/9 {
gen h`lv'r=1 if h`lv'>=1 & h`lv'<=3
gen fully=0 if b5==1 & b19>11 & b19<24
replace fully=1 if fully==0 & h2r==1 & h3r==1 & h4r==1 & h5r==1 & h6r==1 & h7r==1 & h8r==1 & h9r==1
tab v190 fully [iweight=v005/1000000] , row