Calculating perinatal death [message #30363] |
Wed, 13 November 2024 02:45 |
Messages: 4 Registered: August 2023
Member |
**For ENMR, use BR file*****
* create a child Alive or Died variable using the b5 variable
gen alive=b5
lab def alive 0 "Died" 1 "Alive"
lab val alive alive
lab var alive "Alive or Died by the time of survey"
** Age at death using variables b6 and b5
gen age_death=.
replace age_death = 0 if b6<=106 & b5==0
replace age_death = 1 if b6>=107 & b6<=130 & b5==0
replace age_death = 2 if (b6> 130 & b6<=999) | b5==1
lab def age_death 0 "Early Neonatal Death" 1 "Late Neonatal Death" 2 "Survived Neonatal Period"
lab val age_death age_death
lab var age_death "Neonatal Mortality Status"
tab age_death
gen wt=v005/1000000
svyset v021 [pw=wt], strata(v023)
svy: tab age_death if v008-b3<60, per count form(%7.3g)
svy: tab age_death if v008-b3<60, per col form(%7.3g)
************************************************************ *******************************
************************************************************ ************************************
**For stillbirth, use IR file***
*Calculate still births in the last 5 years
gen stillbirths = 0
gen births = 0
gen nlbirths = 0
*Set length of calendar to use
gen callen = v018 + 59
* If calendar is aligned right (as in original dataset), use the following:
gen beg = v018
gen end = callen
* If calendar is aligned left (as it appears to be), use the following:
*gen beg = 1
*gen end = 60
* Loop through calendar summing births, non-live pregnancies and stillbirths
forvalues i = 1/80 {
replace births = births+1 if `i' >= beg & `i' <= end & substr(vcal_1,`i',1) == "B"
replace nlbirths = nlbirths+1 if `i' >= beg & `i' <= end & substr(vcal_1,`i',1) == "T"
replace stillbirths = stillbirths+1 if `i' >= beg & `i' <= end & substr(vcal_1,`i',7) == "TPPPPPP"
* total pregnancies in last 5 years
gen totpreg5 = births+nlbirths
* total pregnancies of 7+ months in last 5 years (all live births, plus the stillbirths)
gen totpreg7m = births+stillbirths
* Create weight variable.
gen wgt = v005/1000000
* Set up svyset parameters for complex samples.
svyset v021 [pweight=wgt], strata(v023)
* Produce number of stillbirths
svy: tab stillbirths, cell count
************************************************************ ***************************************
******Merge BR and IR file*****************************
* preamble
set more off
////merge birth recode and individual recode/////
//merge with individual recode
use "/Users/Documents/BDIR81DT/BDIR81FL.DTA"
**BR file***
use "/Users/Documents/BDBR81DT/BDBR81FL.DTA", replace
keep b3 b5 b6 v005 v008 v021 v023
merge 1:1 _n using "/Users/Documents/BDIR81DT/BDIR81FL.DTA"
keep if _merge==3
I have prepared a syntax for calculating the perinatal mortality rate in Stata with guidance from this forum. However, my results do not match the numbers in the official report, and I am unsure where I might have gone wrong. Could you please review my syntax to help identify any errors? Additionally, I am finding the syntax on GitHub for calculating perinatal deaths quite complex. If possible, could you provide a simplified version of perinatal death equation in Stata?
Re: Calculating perinatal death [message #30459 is a reply to message #30425] |
Tue, 03 December 2024 11:01 |
Messages: 938 Registered: April 2022
Senior Member |
Following is a response from DHS staff member, Tom Pullum:
Those variables are not included in DHS surveys. To find out which antenatal and postnatal variables are in the data, you can open the GR file in Stata and enter "describe m*". (Also "describe s*" in other surveys but I see nothing relevant among the "s" variables in this survey.) The variables most relevant to your question have the prefix "mnb" ("nb" for newborn.) You can also look at the questionnaire.