Home » Topics » Nutrition and Anthropometry » Mozambique: Standard DHS, 2022-23, KR Dataset (nt_mdd, nt_mmf, nt_mad estimate does not match the report)
Re: Mozambique: Standard DHS, 2022-23, KR Dataset [message #29747 is a reply to message #29695] |
Tue, 30 July 2024 10:16 |
Bright Richfield
Messages: 3 Registered: January 2021
Member |
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Thanks for CSPro text file. Unfortunately, I was not able get what I needed, but I am making some progress to pull my own weight.
Ok. Back to Table 11.8 for Mozambique: Standard DHS, 2022-23, KR Dataset.
I was able to replicate nt_mdd (minimum dietary diversity) for (1) breast-fed, (2) non-breastfed and (3) both. Yay!
I was able to replicate nt_mmf (minimum meal frequency) for (1) breast-fed but not in the non-breastfed group.
https://dhsprogram.com/Data/Guide-to-DHS-Statistics/Minimum_ Dietary_Diversity_Minimum_Meal_Frequency_Minimum_Milk_Feedin g_Frequency_and_Minimum.htm
According to the new guideline noted above, I think there might be something I am not figuring out for non-breastfeeding group. Below is the rule:
2) A minimum meal frequency during the previous day or night of:
a) 2 or more solid, semi-solid or soft feeds for breastfeeding children age 6-8 months, or
b) 3 or more solid, semi-solid or soft feeds for breastfeeding children age 9-23 months; or
c) 4 or more solid, semi-solid or soft food or milk feeds for non-breastfeeding children age 6-23 months where at least one of the feeds must be a solid, semi-solid, or soft feed.
I think it is c) that may be the problem. As for a) and b), I was able to replicate that because nt_mmf is correct in table 11.8.
The word of c) or for non-breastfeeding children is bit tricky to interpret and I tried many combination.
Below is the code from the DHS Github site. I am only pasting variables and lines that are necessary.
https://github.com/DHSProgram/DHS-Indicators-Stata/blob/mast er/Chap11_NT/DHS8/NT_IYCF.do
//Fed milk or milk products
gen totmilkf = 0
replace totmilkf=totmilkf + v469e if v469e<8
replace totmilkf=totmilkf + v469f if v469f<8
replace totmilkf=totmilkf + v469x if v469x<8
gen nt_milkfeeds= ( totmilkf>=2 | m4==95) if inrange(age,6,23)
replace nt_milkfeeds=. if m4==95
label values nt_milkfeeds yesno
label var nt_milkfeeds "Non-breastfed child given at least two milk feeds in day/night before survey- youngest child age 6-23 months"
//Min meal frequency
gen feedings=totmilkf
replace feedings= feedings + m39 if m39>0 & m39<8
gen nt_mmf = (m4==95 & inrange(m39,2,7) & inrange(age,6,8)) | (m4==95 & inrange(m39,3,7) & inrange(age,9,23)) | (m4!=95 & feedings>=4 & inrange(age,6,23))
replace nt_mmf=. if age<6
label values nt_mmf yesno
label var nt_mmf "Child with minimum meal frequency- youngest child 6-23 months"
Here may be where the problem is: gen nt_mmf = (m4==95 & inrange(m39,2,7) & inrange(age,6,8)) | (m4==95 & inrange(m39,3,7) & inrange(age,9,23)) | (m4!=95 & feedings>=4 & inrange(age,6,23))
More specifically, the latter third: ...... | (m4!=95 & feedings>=4 & inrange(age,6,23))
. tab nt_mmf [iw=wt] if m4!=95
nt_mmf | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 | 493.75178 80.61 80.61
1 |118.7828269 19.39 100.00
Total | 612.534607 100.00
. tab nt_mmf [iw=wt]
nt_mmf | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 | 1,951.5073 72.90 72.90
1 | 725.393534 27.10 100.00
Total | 2,676.9009 100.00
The nt_mmf overestimate by more than 2.1% for non-breastfed group and about 0.5% for overall.
I tried below to account for where at least one of the feeds must be a solid, semi-solid, or soft feed for non-breastfed group.
gen nt_mmf1 = (m4==95 & inrange(m39,2,7) & inrange(age,6,8)) | (m4==95 & inrange(m39,3,7) & inrange(age,9,23)) | (m4!=95 & feedings>=4 & inrange(age,6,23) & inrange(m39,1,7))
I made the changes on my own based on recommendation below which is also from DHS website.
2) A minimum meal frequency:
a) Defined for breastfed children as receiving solid or semi-solid foods
b) at least twice a day for infants 6-8 months (m4 = 95 & b19 in 6:8 & m39 in 2:7) or
c) at least three times a day for children 9-23 months (m4 = 95 & b19 in 9:23 & m39 in 3:7)
d) Defined for non-breastfed children age 6-23 months as receiving solid, semi-solid, or soft foods or milk feeds at least four times a day (m4 ≠ 95 & total milk feeds (sum of v469e (if in 1:7) plus v469f (if in 1:7) plus v469x (if in 1:7 and v413a = 1) >= 2) plus solid feeds (m39 if in 1:7) >= 4) where at least one of the feeds must be a solid, semi-solid, or soft food (m39 in 1:7)
. tab nt_mmf1 [iw=wt] if m4!=95
nt_mmf1 | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 | 494.561481 80.74 80.74
1 | 117.973126 19.26 100.00
Total | 612.534607 100.00
. tab nt_mmf1 [iw=wt]
nt_mmf1 | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 |1,952.31705 72.93 72.93
1 | 724.583833 27.07 100.00
Total | 2,676.9009 100.00
The % is slightly better than before.
So here is the request. Can you confirm below? More specifically, just the part where it begins from m4!=95 for non-breast fed group.
gen nt_mmf = (m4==95 & inrange(m39,2,7) & inrange(age,6,8)) | (m4==95 & inrange(m39,3,7) & inrange(age,9,23)) | (m4!=95 & feedings>=4 & inrange(age,6,23))
I think the wording of the new guideline may not have caught on with the community.
Thanks so much.
Mozambique: Standard DHS, 2022-23, KR Dataset
Re: Mozambique: Standard DHS, 2022-23, KR Dataset
Re: Mozambique: Standard DHS, 2022-23, KR Dataset
Re: Mozambique: Standard DHS, 2022-23, KR Dataset
Re: Mozambique: Standard DHS, 2022-23, KR Dataset
By: Simon on Mon, 14 October 2024 06:01
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