Here is a response from Senior DHS Staff Member, Tom Pullum:
The following lines will construct the outcome variable. As is stated in the note at the bottom of the table, it is possible for the respondent to have had multiple categories of persons present at the delivery. Therefore you need to fill in the codes in reverse sequence, so that the more skilled categories will over-write the less skilled categories.
use "...IAKR74FL.DTA", clear
gen provider=8
replace provider=7 if m3n==1
replace provider=6 if m3k==1
replace provider=5 if m3h==1
replace provider=4 if m3g==1
replace provider=3 if m3c==1
replace provider=2 if m3b==1
replace provider=1 if m3a==1
label define provider 1 "Doctor" 2 "Nurse etc." 3 "Other personnel" 4 "TBA" 5 "Friends" 6 "Other" 7 "Mo one" 8 "DK"
label values provider provider
tab provider [iweight=v005/1000000]