Matching Domestic Violence Variable Data [message #28677] |
Wed, 21 February 2024 18:06  |
Messages: 1 Registered: February 2024
Member |
I am trying to match the spousal violence data (table Table 18.8.1) in the Uganda 2006 report. In particular I am finding my calculations off for sexual spousal violence to what is in the table. I am using the following process in Stata:
*Generating DV weights
gen wgt = d005/1000000
svyset [pw=wgt], psu (v021) strata (v023)
*Selecting only women who participated in the DV module
drop if (v044 == 0 | v044 == 2 | v044 == 3)
*I am only interested in data from the Northern Region - so selected that data. Though I am also not able to match the data for the national level estimates if I skip this step (31 in my analysis versus 35.5 in the report).
keep if v024 == 6
*To get the sexual violence estimate I first used d108
replace d108 = . if d108 == 9
svy: tab d108
I get a prevalence rate of .1984 but the table (for North) says 27.1. The weighted denominators match what in the report (247) and equal women who are currently or formerly married (v502 == 1 or 2).
*To cross check I tried to recreate the sexual violence variables from the base variables
gen sex_2 = 0 if v502 != 0
replace sex_2 = 1 if d105i == 1 | d105i == 2 | d105j == 1 | d105j == 2
svy: tab sex_2
I got the same results (.1984).
I am wondering what I am doing wrong! Thank you for any advice.