Re: calculation of exclusive breastfeeding [message #2972 is a reply to message #2967] |
Thu, 25 September 2014 09:37   |
Messages: 1516 Registered: February 2013
Senior Member |
Dear User,
Here is a response from one of our experts, Trevor Croft, in communicating with another user:
If you are finding M5_1, M5_2, ... M5_6, those are the variables for 6 different children of the woman, and you must be using the IR dataset. M5_1 is for the last birth, M5_2 is for the child before that, M5_3 is for the child before that, etc.
A problem is that the data on feeding is the for the last child born in the last two years LIVING WITH THE MOTHER. So it is not sufficient to just select women who have children under 6 you need to work out if the child was living with the mother. To do this is easier to work with the KR file, not the IR file. In the KR file, there is only one M5 variable. The code below was written to work with the KR file.
If you want subset that dataset down to the cases you want, you can select on
V008 - B3 < 24 & LastChild==1
For the codes, they should all be documented in the dataset. If the labels are not coming through in the dataset, look at the .SAS file and you can find the labels in there. Search for variable M5 and you will see the format that is used with it. Then search the file for the format and you will find the labels:
93 = "Ever breastfed, not currently breastfeeding"
94 = "Never breastfed"
97 = "Inconsistent"
98 = "Don't know"
And 99 is Missing.
Also of use is the DHS Recode manual, although the codes are not listed in there: http://dhsprogram.com/publications/publication-dhsg4-dhs-que stionnaires-and-manuals.cfm
If you have additional questions, please post again.
Re: calculation of exclusive breastfeeding [message #8761 is a reply to message #8221] |
Mon, 14 December 2015 11:44   |
Messages: 11 Registered: June 2013 Location: Lima
Member |
I just do it, it was hard.
*Ubicando la carpeta donde se trabajara
cd "C:\Users\lvidal\Documents\ENDES\endes 2014\bases stata14"
*Abrir archivo con información del hogar de la base REC0111 (95var)
use REC0111, clear
save REC0111_tmp, replace
*Abrir archivo con información de reproductivo historia de nacimientos REC21 (19)
use REC21, clear
rename BIDX MIDX
save REC21_tmp, replace
*Abrir archivo con información de STI, AIDS, CPN, know Violencia Dome REC91 (318)
use REC91, clear
save REC91_tmp, replace
*Abrir archivo con información de maternidad REC41 (146)
use REC41, clear
save REC41_tmp, replace
merge m:1 CASEID MIDX using REC21_tmp.dta
keep if _merge==3
drop _merge
save REC41_tmp, replace
tab MIDX, mis
tab M4, mis
*La preg 211 ahora me gustaria conversar acerca de todos sus hijos e hijas
*La pregunta en el cuestionario es si vive con ud
*B9=child lives with whom renpondent=0 live elsewhere=4
tab B9
*selecionar solo a los que viven con sus madres
keep if B9==0
*se elimino 277 observaciones
*usando el valor minimo de MIDX=el valor minimo del indice de la historia de nacimiento
collapse (min) MIDX, by(CASEID)
*guardamos el nuevo archivo
save aggr, replace
tab MIDX
use aggr, replace
*unimos al archivo pre_natal_post
merge m:1 CASEID MIDX using REC41_tmp.dta
keep if _merge==3
drop _merge
*ordenamos y guardamos el archivo con el mismo nombre
save REC41_tmp, replace
tab M4
tab MIDX
*Cargamos el archivo con información de lactancia y salud del niño REC42 ordenamos y guardamos
use REC42,replace
*Unimos al archivo caracthogar
merge m:1 CASEID using REC0111_tmp.dta
keep if _merge==3
drop _merge
tab V401, mis
*unimos el archivo pre_natal_post
merge m:1 CASEID using REC41_tmp.dta
tab V401, mis
*keep if _merge==3
drop _merge
*igual en spss
*unimo el archivo cpn_its_violen
merge 1:1 CASEID using REC91_tmp.dta
keep if _merge==3
drop _merge
tab V401, mis
*guardar el archivo final que llameremos lactancia
save REC42_tmp, replace
************************************************************ ******************
*Estableciendo el tipo de muestra
*estableciendo los pesos
gen peso=v005/1000000
*cambiando la provincia del Callao por departamento de Lima
recode V024 (7=15)
*para sacar los valores igual a spsss se utiliza el comando
table V024 [pweight = peso]
************************************************************ ******************
*recodificando la variable M4=duración de la lactancia del niño en meses
tab M4
*con este comando salen los mismos valores del spss
table M4 [pweight = peso]
*94 Never breastfed
*95 Still breastfeeding
*98 DK
gen lacta=.
replace lacta=1 if M4!=. & M4<=94
replace lacta=2 if M4!=. & M4==95
table lacta, mis
*para sacar los valores igual a spsss se utiliza el comando
table lacta [pweight = peso]
*Incluyendo las variables de consumo de alimentos
foreach x of varlist V409-V414U {
replace lacta =1 if `x'==1 & `x'!=.
table lacta [pweight = peso]
label define lacta 1 "No lacta,lacta y otro alim" 2 "Solo lacta"
label values lacta lacta
************************************************************ ******************
*Generando la edad
gen edadm=V008-B3
recode edadm (0/3=1 "0a3 meses") ( 4/5=2 "4a5 meses") if edadm<6 , gen(EDAD2)
recode edadm (0/6=1 "0a6 meses") if edadm<7 , gen(EDAD_0a6)
*para sacar los valores igual a spsss se utiliza el comando
table EDAD2 [pweight = peso]
table EDAD_0a6 [pweight = peso]
*generando la variable lactancia exclusiva
gen lacta_xcl=.
replace lacta_xcl=2 if edadm<36 & lacta==1
replace lacta_xcl=1 if edadm<36 & lacta==2
label define lacta_xcl 1"Solo lacta y tiene 0-6m" 2 "No lacta exclusivamente o > 6m"
label values lacta_xcl lacta_xcl
table lacta_xcl [pweight = peso]
************************************************************ ******************
svyset V001 [pw=peso], strata(V022)
*Lactancia materna exclusiva a nivel nacional en <6m
svy: tabulate lacta_xcl if edadm<6
*Lactancia matenar exclusica a nivel urbano y rural en <6m
svy: tabulate V025 lacta_xcl if edadm<6, row
*Lactancia matenar exclusica en regiones en <6m
svy: tabulate sregion lacta_xcl if edadm<6, row
*Lactancia matenar exclusica en pobreza en <6m
svy: tabulate V190 lacta_xcl if edadm<6, row
*Lactancia matenar exclusica por departamento en <6m
svy: tabulate V024 lacta_xcl if edadm<6, row
calculation of exclusive breastfeeding [message #9037 is a reply to message #519] |
Sat, 30 January 2016 11:27   |
Messages: 10 Registered: November 2015 Location: Finland
Member |
I went through this thread to get insight on how to calculate exclusive breastfeeding. Unfortunately the discussion here is based on calculation using STATA but i am carrying the analysis on SPSS. Can anyone help me in this case??
I am using KR file of PDHS 2012-13 and want to carry analysis on IYCF practices.
Thank you;
[Updated on: Sat, 30 January 2016 11:57] Report message to a moderator
Re: calculation of exclusive breastfeeding [message #9254 is a reply to message #2972] |
Sat, 27 February 2016 14:27   |
Dear Liz,
I'm using STATA to calculate for the number of youngest child under two years living with their mother. I used the KR file (children dataset) with variables codes MIDX, B9 and hw1; using the Keep if command in STATA. However, I'm not getting the figures in the report. Please, want am I doing wrong? I'm trying to replicate Table 11.3: Breastfeeding status by age of Ghana DHS 2014
[Updated on: Sat, 27 February 2016 16:34] Report message to a moderator