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Pregnancy outcomes in India DHS 2019-21 [message #24979] |
Fri, 12 August 2022 16:45  |
Messages: 7 Registered: August 2022
Member |
I am estimating pregnancy outcomes among reproductive women in India using IR file from the latest IDHS 2019-21. The Earlier IDHS 2015-16 provides vcal_7 variable (IR file) to estimate the pregnancy outcome variable. Recently, IDHS 2019-21 round dropped vcal_7 variable and provides vcal_1 and vcal_2 variables to estimate pregnancy outcome variable (B= Live Birth & M= Miscarriages in vcal_1 and A= Abortion & S= Stillbirth in vcal_2). Therefore, I estimated the pregnancy outcome variable using IDHS 2019-21 data (IR file), which didn't match with the Table 6.15 pregnancy outcome from the report (https://dhsprogram.com/pubs/pdf/FR375/FR375.pdf). My estimation reported 178,876 sample, while Table 6.15 reported 255,549 sample. Unfortunately, my estimation indicated that 76,673 sample were missing. Please find the attached file of my estimation of pregnancy outcomes (1= Live Birth, 2= Abortion, 3= Miscarriages, 4= Stillbirth) as well as Table 6.15.
Your timely response will be very helpful.
Kind regards,
Monirujjaman Biswas
Re: Pregnancy outcomes in India DHS 2019-21 [message #25099 is a reply to message #24994] |
Wed, 31 August 2022 09:05   |
Messages: 7 Registered: August 2022
Member |
Dear Tom Pullum,
Hope you are doing well. I was not able to match the pregnancy outcomes (Table 6.15) using 2019-21 Indian Demographic Health Survey. Based on your last reply, I didn't get any updates regarding the code to estimate pregnancy outcomes among reproductive women in India. Your timely response will be very helpful.
Kind regards,
Monirujjaman Biswas
Re: Pregnancy outcomes in India DHS 2019-21 [message #25101 is a reply to message #25099] |
Wed, 31 August 2022 09:32   |
Messages: 3230 Registered: February 2013
Senior Member |
Following is a response from DHS Research & Data Analysis Director, Tom Pullum:
In the IR file, vcal_1 gives terminations (T) but does not break them down by miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth (MAS). The file includes two variables that are relevant to the last pregnancy. One is v231, which gives the cmc of the last pregnancy termination that was not a live birth and s234, a survey-specific variable, which gives the MAS breakdown. The cmc of the last birth (B) is b3_01. These variables (v231, s234, and b3_01) should be sufficient to calculate table 6.15, which refers only to the most recent pregnancy in the past five years and gives the full BMAS breakdown. However, when I try to construct table 6.15, I do not get a match. The percentages are close but the N is very different. I am checking with other DHS staff but have not heard back from them. We will post a full response, with Stata code, as soon as we can.
Re: Pregnancy outcomes in India DHS 2019-21 [message #25119 is a reply to message #25101] |
Thu, 01 September 2022 13:36   |
Messages: 7 Registered: August 2022
Member |
Dear Sir,
Thank you so much for sharing this information and giving your time to make it possible. Even I am so more worried about this specific indicator. Except for the adverse pregnancy outcomes as a part of my PhD objective, I have completed all other objectives using National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 4 and 5 datasets. Also, I estimated and matched the pregnancy outcome with the NFHS report (Table 6.15) using NFHS 4 data. But, the latest NFHS 5 has made a lot of modifications, including the estimation of pregnancy outcomes. Although I had constructed the indicator but failed to match the pregnancy outcome (both percentage and numbers) using NFHS-5 data. I will be grateful for your assistance
Kind Regards,
Monirujjaman Biswas
Re: Pregnancy outcomes in India DHS 2019-21 [message #25210 is a reply to message #25200] |
Fri, 16 September 2022 07:25   |
Messages: 3230 Registered: February 2013
Senior Member |
Following is a response from DHS staff member, Tom Pullum:
Sorry for the delay in answering your initial question about the construction of Table 6.15 in the NFHS-5 report. This turned out to be a difficult question. Both Trevor Croft and I have looked into it.
Here is the title of the table: "Table 6.15. Pregnancy outcome Percent distribution of last pregnancies among women age 15-49 during the 5 years preceding the survey by pregnancy outcome, according to background characteristics, India, 2019-21". I have highlighted "last pregnancies".
The first issue is that this table was actually calculated with ALL pregnancies in the past 5 years, using a calendar variable called vcal_7. The second issue is that vcal_7 was not included in the IR file (IAIR7BFL.dta is the current version). DHS will add vcal_7 to the next version of the IR file, but as it stands, but it is not possible to reconstruct table 6.15 with the IR file. In most surveys, vcal_6 would be the calendar variable that specifies miscarriages, abortions, and stillbirths, but for this survey it was vcal_7 and vcal_7 was dropped.
It is possible to construct a table that does correspond with the table title, using b3_01, v231, and s234 in the IR file. However, there is no such table in the report, and this is not a matter of matching a table in the report. There are some ambiguities in such a program, such as what do to when the most recent pregnancy was twins and one was born alive and the other was a stillbirth, so I will not attach it.
To summarize, the title and the numbers in Table 6.15 are not consistent with each other. It is not possible to replicate the table with the current version of the IR file.
[Updated on: Fri, 16 September 2022 07:28] Report message to a moderator
Re: Pregnancy outcomes in India DHS 2019-21 [message #25279 is a reply to message #25210] |
Tue, 27 September 2022 06:49   |
Messages: 7 Registered: August 2022
Member |
Dear Sir,
Thank you for the information, and sorry for replying delay. I really appreciate both of you, Sir, for giving your efforts as well as crucial time to solving this issue. Recently, DHS modified the IR data file (IAIR7DFL.dta as the current version) and added vcal_7, SCAL and v019a variables. I have constructed Table 6.15 in the NFHS-5 report using the vcal_7 variable, although it was not possible to matche the numbers and percentages in Table 6.15 with this current version of the IR file. Below, I have attached the table of pregnancy outcomes. As you mentioned that table 6.15 is not possible to reconstruct with the IR file, would you please guide me on whether my estimation of pregnancy outcomes "last pregnancies" is correct or not, or I will have to modify it further?
Re: Pregnancy outcomes in India DHS 2019-21 [message #29054 is a reply to message #29051] |
Thu, 18 April 2024 05:58   |
Messages: 24 Registered: February 2018
Member |
Thanks for the reply
I was trying to do match 6.15 table for India, but the percentage is matching with the shared code but the sample size is not matching.
The code :
quietly forvalues lcol=1/80 {
gen type_`lcol'=.
replace type_`lcol'=1 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol',1)=="B"
replace type_`lcol'=2 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol',1)=="T"
gen interval_`lcol'= .
replace interval_`lcol'= 0 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,1)~="P" & `lcol'+1<=80
replace interval_`lcol'= 1 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,1) =="P" & substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+2,1)~="P" & `lcol'+2<=80
replace interval_`lcol'= 2 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,2) =="PP" & substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+3,1)~="P" & `lcol'+3<=80
replace interval_`lcol'= 3 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,3) =="PPP" & substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+4,1)~="P" & `lcol'+4<=80
replace interval_`lcol'= 4 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,4) =="PPPP" & substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+5,1)~="P" & `lcol'+5<=80
replace interval_`lcol'= 5 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,5) =="PPPPP" & substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+6,1)~="P" & `lcol'+6<=80
replace interval_`lcol'= 6 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,6) =="PPPPPP" & substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+7,1)~="P" & `lcol'+7<=80
replace interval_`lcol'= 7 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,7) =="PPPPPPP" & substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+8,1)~="P" & `lcol'+8<=80
replace interval_`lcol'= 8 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,8) =="PPPPPPPP" & substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+9,1)~="P" & `lcol'+9<=80
replace interval_`lcol'= 9 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,9) =="PPPPPPPPP" & substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+10,1)~="P" & `lcol'+10<=80
replace interval_`lcol'=10 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,10)=="PPPPPPPPPP" & substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+11,1)~="P" & `lcol'+11<=80
replace interval_`lcol'=11 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+1,11)=="PPPPPPPPPPP" & substr(vcal_1,`lcol'+12,1)~="P" & `lcol'+12<=80
reshape long type_ interval_, i(v001 v002 v003) j(col)
rename *_ *
drop if type==.
label variable type "Type of pregnancy outcome"
label define type 1 "Live birth" 2 "Termination"
label values type type
ta type [iweight=v005/1000000]
Re: Pregnancy outcomes in India DHS 2019-21 [message #29064 is a reply to message #29057] |
Thu, 18 April 2024 16:41  |
Messages: 3230 Registered: February 2013
Senior Member |
Following is a response from Senior DHS staff member, Tom Pullum:
The Stata program pasted below matches columns 1-3 of table 6.13, but not columns 4-5. I hope another user can match columns 4-5. I cannot answer other questions about the NFHS's.
* Attempt to match table 6.13 in the final report on the NFHS-5
* mbi: months as months before interview. mbi=col-v018
* cmc: months in century month codes. cmc=v017+80-col
use "...IAIR7EFL.DTA" , clear
keep v001 v002 v003 v005 v008 v013 v017 v018 v231 vcal_1
* Keep variables needed for table 6.13
gen monthsago=v008-v231 if v231<9997
gen ever=0
replace ever=1 if monthsago<.
gen past5years=0
replace past5years=1 if monthsago<60
* columns 1, 2, and 3 of table 6.13
tab v013 ever [iweight=v005/1000000], row
tab v013 past5years [iweight=v005/1000000], row
gen B=0
gen T=0
quietly forvalues lcol=1/80 {
replace B=B+1 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol',1)=="B" & (`lcol'-v018)<60
replace T=T+1 if substr(vcal_1,`lcol',1)=="T" & (`lcol'-v018)<60
tab B T
collapse (sum) B T [iweight=v005/1000000], by(v013)
gen BT=B+T
gen col4=100*T/BT
* columns 4 and 5 of table 6.13; not a match
list, table clean
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