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Place of delivery [message #23763] Mon, 29 November 2021 02:13 Go to previous message is currently offline
Messages: 5
Registered: November 2020
Dear all,
I am in the process of writing my thesis. I am using the Zambia DHS dataset 2018/19. I have used conindex to compute the concentration index (Erreygers) and I tried to draw the Lorenz curve using the following Stata code. The variable of interest is binary = place of delivery (0=Home, 1=health facility) with the wealth index (v190) as a background variable and compare by place of residence (v025) (0 =urban, 1=rural).
conindex PLD_Grouped [pw=wgt], rankvar(v190) bounded limits(0 1) erreygers cluster(v021)
lorenz estimate v190 , over(place_residence)
lorenz graph, overlay aspectratio(1) xlabel(, grid)
However the result concentration index value and the curve does not correspond for different regions.
When I used a glcurve using the following code, the graph appear shaded and non smooth:
glcurve PLD_Grouped(aw=wgt), glvar(x) pvar(rank) sortvar(v190) replace by(v025) split lorenz
gen rank2=rank
label variable x_1 "conc curve Urban"
lab var x_2 "conc curve Rural"
lab var rank "cumul share of Wealth_status (poorest first)"
lab var rank2 "line of equality"
sort rank
twoway (line x_1 rank , sort clwidth(medthin) clpat(solid) clcolor(orange)) ///
(line x_2 rank, sort clwidth(medthin) clpat(longdash) clcolor("153 204 0")) ///
(line rank2 rank , sort clwidth(medthin) clcolor(gray)) ///
, ytitle(cumulative share of HFD, size(medsmall)) ///
yscale(titlegap(5)) xtitle(, size(medsmall)) legend(rows(5)) xscale(titlegap(5)) ///
legend(region(lwidth(none))) plotregion(margin(zero)) ysize(5.75) xsize(5) plotregion(lcolor(none))
graph export "cc curves Rural and Urban.emf" , replace

I am using stata 14. Can you please help me in sending me a do-file on how I can compute the concentration index and decomposition analysis using Stata 14. I really appreciate your help in advance. I look forward to your reply.
Thank you
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