Following is a response from DHS Senior Analysis & Research Manager, Shireen Assaf:
The Stata code below will match the table shown in the final report. Please use the PR file.
gen wt=hv005/1000000
//Severely stunted
gen nt_ch_sev_stunt= 0 if hv103==1
replace nt_ch_sev_stunt=. if hc70>=9996
replace nt_ch_sev_stunt=1 if hc70<-300 & hv103==1
label var nt_ch_sev_stunt "Severely stunted child under 5 years"
gen nt_ch_stunt= 0 if hv103==1
replace nt_ch_stunt=. if hc70>=9996
replace nt_ch_stunt=1 if hc70<-200 & hv103==1
label var nt_ch_stunt "Stunted child under 5 years"