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Cesarean section and associated factors [message #18363] Tue, 19 November 2019 01:34 Go to next message is currently offline
Messages: 5
Registered: October 2019
how to re code place of delivery(m15) using KR file in to public, private sector, home and other using Ethiopian DHS. help me i face difficulty in analysis
Re: Cesarean section and associated factors [message #18365 is a reply to message #18363] Tue, 19 November 2019 04:38 Go to previous message
Messages: 92
Registered: February 2017
Location: North West
Senior Member

You did not specify which year you are working with (i.e. 2011 or 2016?), and you did not specify the software package you are using (i.e. Stata, SAS, SPSS, R?).
I have used Ethiopia DHS 2016 data, and Stata to produce the following (I hope it points you in the right direction):

//** ETHIOPIA DHS 2016 **//

clear all
set matsize 800
set mem 1g
set maxvar 9000
cd "C:\Users\User88\Desktop\ETHIOPIA DHS 2016\ETKR70DT"
use "ETKR70FL", clear
set more off

gen weight = v005/1000000

gen psu =    v021
gen strata = v023
svyset psu [pw = weight], strata(strata) vce(linearized)



rename v013 age
rename v106 education
rename v190 wealth
rename v025 residence
rename v024 region


cap drop DHS_delivery
recode m15 (21/27=1 "Public sector")(31/36=2 "Private sector") (41/46=3 "NGO") ///
(11/12=4 "Home") (96=5 "Other"), gen(DHS_delivery)
label var DHS_delivery "place of delivery as in DHS eport"
label val DHS_delivery DHS_delivery

cap drop DHS_delivery2
recode m15 (21/27=1 "Public sector")(31/36=2 "Private sector") ///
(11/12=4 "Home") (41/46 96=5 "NGO/Other"), gen(DHS_delivery2)
label var DHS_delivery2 "Place of delivery"
label val DHS_delivery2 DHS_delivery2


cap drop facility_delivery
recode m15 (21/46=1 "Facility-based deliveries") (11/12 96=0 "Non-facility deliverie"), gen(facility_delivery)
label var facility_delivery "Facility-based deliveries"
label val facility_delivery facility_delivery


gen skilled_birth = 0
label define skilled_birth 0"Unskilled" 1"Skilled"
label var skilled_birth "Birth delivered by skilled birth attendant"
label val skilled_birth skilled_birth

foreach xvar of varlist m3a m3b m3c m3d m3e {
replace skilled_birth=1 if `xvar'==1

cap drop skilled_provider
egen skilled_provider = rowmax(m3a m3b m3c m3d m3e)
label define skilled_provider 0"Unskilled" 1"Skilled"
label var skilled_provider "Percentage delivered by a skilled provider"
label val skilled_provider skilled_provider
*tab skilled_provider [iw=weight], m

keep if DHS_delivery!=.


svy: tab wealth DHS_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) miss row
svy: tab wealth facility_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) miss row
svy: tab wealth skilled_birth, percent format(%4.1f) miss row
*svy: tab wealth skilled_provider, percent format(%4.1f) miss row


* Mother's age at birth
cap drop agebirth
gen agebirth=(b3-v011)/12

cap drop age_at_birth
recode agebirth (min/19.91667=1 "<20") (20/34.91667=2 "20-34") ///
(35/max=3 "35-49"), gen(age_at_birth)
label var age_at_birth "Mother's age at birth"
label val age_at_birth age_at_birth

* Birth order
gen birth_order1		= 	bord
replace birth_order1	=	bord-1 if b0 == 2
replace birth_order1	=	bord-2 if b0 == 3

recode birth_order1 (1=1 "1") (2/3=2 "2-3") (4/5=3 "4-5") ///
(6/20=4 "6+"), gen(birth_order)
label var birth_order "Birth order"
label values birth_order birth_order

* Antenatal care visits
cap drop antenatal_dhs
recode m14 (0=0 "None") (1/3=1 "1-3") (4/20=4 "4+") ///
(98=88 "DNK") (else =99 "Missing"), gen(antenatal_dhs)
label var antenatal_dhs "Antenatal visits - as in DHS report"
label val antenatal_dhs antenatal_dhs

** ========================================================================== **
** ========================================================================== **

** REPLICATING TABLE 9.8 (page 149)

svy: tab age_at_birth DHS_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab birth_order DHS_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab antenatal_dhs DHS_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row // report excludes DNK & Missing
svy: tab residence DHS_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab region DHS_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab education DHS_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab wealth DHS_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row

svy: tab age_at_birth DHS_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab birth_order DHS_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab antenatal_dhs DHS_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab residence DHS_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab region DHS_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab education DHS_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab wealth DHS_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss

** ========================================================================== **

** REPLICATING TABLE 9.8 (page 149) - Facility Births

svy: tab age_at_birth facility_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab birth_order facility_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab antenatal_dhs facility_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab residence facility_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab region facility_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab education facility_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab wealth facility_delivery, percent format(%4.1f) row

svy: tab age_at_birth facility_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab birth_order facility_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab antenatal_dhs facility_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab residence facility_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab region facility_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab education facility_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab wealth facility_delivery, count format(%4.0f) miss

** ========================================================================== **

** REPLICATING TABLE 9.9 (page 150) - Percentage delivered by a skilled provider

svy: tab age_at_birth skilled_provider, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab birth_order skilled_provider, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab antenatal_dhs skilled_provider, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab residence skilled_provider, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab region skilled_provider, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab education skilled_provider, percent format(%4.1f) row
svy: tab wealth skilled_provider, percent format(%4.1f) row

svy: tab age_at_birth skilled_birth, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab birth_order skilled_birth, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab antenatal_dhs skilled_birth, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab residence skilled_birth, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab region skilled_birth, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab education skilled_birth, count format(%4.0f) miss
svy: tab wealth skilled_birth, count format(%4.0f) miss

** ========================================================================== **
** ================================= GRAPHS ================================= **
** ========================================================================== **

ssc install hplot, replace //needs internet connection
ssc install catplot, replace //needs internet connection

catplot DHS_delivery2 [aw=weight], by(wealth, compact note("") col(1)) ///
        bar(1, blcolor(gs8) bfcolor(brown*.4)) blabel(bar, format(%9.1f) ///
        pos(base)) percent(wealth) subtitle(, pos(9) ring(1) bcolor(none) nobexpand place(e)) ///
        ytitle(Place of delivery (%)) var1opts(gap(*0.1) axis(noline)) ///
        var2opts(gap(*.2)) ysize(5) yla(none) ysc(noline) ///
catplot DHS_delivery2 wealth [aw=weight], percent(wealth) stack asyvars ///
		bar(1, bcolor(ltblue)) bar(2, bcolor(pink*.2)) bar(3, bcolor(brown*.4)) ///
		bar(4, bcolor(bluishgray)) bar(5, bcolor(gs10)) bar(6, bcolor(red*.4)) ///
		bar(7, bcolor(sand)) blabel(bar, format(%9.1f) pos(center)) ///
		blabel(bar, format(%9.1f) pos(center) size(tiny)orientation(vertical) color(black)) ///
		ytitle(%) title(Place of delivery by HH wealth) subtitle(Ethiopia DHS 2016)

catplot facility_delivery wealth [aw=weight], percent(wealth) stack asyvars ///
		bar(1, bcolor(gold)) bar(2, bcolor(ltblue)) bar(3, bcolor(gs0)) ///
		blabel(bar, format(%9.1f) pos(center)) bar(4, bcolor(g)) ytitle(%) ///
		title(Percentage delivered in a health facility) subtitle(Ethiopia DHS 2016)

catplot skilled_provider wealth [aw=weight], percent(wealth) stack asyvars ///
		bar(1, bcolor(gold)) bar(2, bcolor(ltblue)) bar(3, bcolor(gs0)) ///
		blabel(bar, format(%9.1f) pos(center)) bar(4, bcolor(g)) ytitle(%) ///
		title(Prevalence of skilled birth attendance) subtitle(Ethiopia DHS 2016)
** ========================================================================== **

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