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perinatal mortality [message #17541] Thu, 11 April 2019 18:19
mmbah is currently offline  mmbah
Messages: 8
Registered: March 2019
Dear DHS Forum,

I calculated stillbirth, earlyneonatal and perinatal mortality for the 2015-2016 Malawi DHS data using the below codes. However, I am unable to have the exact numbers of stillbirths, earlyneonatal and perinatal mortality. I wrote to the forum several times for help but no answer. I really need your kind responses and support is highly solicited

gen stillbirths = 0

label variable stillbirths "Stillbirths"

* Births in calendar

gen births = 0

gen births2 = 0

label variable births2 "Births in birth history (including twins)"

* Early neonatal deaths in the five years preceding the survey

gen earlyneo = 0

label variable earlyneo "Early neonatal deaths"

gen beg = v018

gen end = v018+59

local vcal_len = strlen(vcal_1[1])

forvalues i = 1/`vcal_len' {

replace births = births+1 if inrange(`i',beg,end) & substr(vcal_1,`i',1) == "B"

replace stillbirths = stillbirths+1 if inrange(`i',beg,end) & substr(vcal_1,`i',7) == "TPPPPPP"


replace end = v008

replace beg = v008-59

rename b3_0* b3_*

rename b6_0* b6_*

forvalues i = 1/20 {

replace births2 = births2+1 if inrange(b3_`i',beg,end)

replace earlyneo = earlyneo+1 if inrange(b3_`i',beg,end) & inrange(b6_`i',100,106)


gen totpreg7m = births2+stillbirths

label variable totpreg7m "Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration"

* total perinatal mortality = early neonatal deaths plus stillbirths

gen perinatal = earlyneo+stillbirths

label variable perinatal "Perinatal mortality"

gen wt = v005/1000000

svyset v021 [pweight=wt], strata(v023)

svy: tab v190 stillbirths, cell count
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