I used the following STATA code to join between the GC (points) and the IR file
* Title: NigeriaMerge.do
* Created by: Tom Fish
* Created on: 30 October 2018
* Purpose: Explan how to merge an IR file with the GC (points) file in STATA
clear all
set more off
* Set folders that I am working on
local ptsDir "C:\Data\08_GPS\04_Completed_Surveys\Nigeria\Nigeria_2015_MIS\Upload_file\"
local dataDir "C:\Data\DHSdata\"
local working "C:\working\"
* Make sure we are working in our working directory
cd "`working'"
* Convert the shapefile into a dta file to merge in STATA
shp2dta using "`ptsDir'NGGE71FL.shp", database(ngpts) coordinates(ngcoord) genid(id)
* Open up the table portion of the shapefile
use ngpts
* Rename and sort to allow for the merge to be successful
rename DHSCLUST v001
sort v001
* Resave the table
save ngpts, replace
* Open the IR file
use "`dataDir'NGIR71FL.DTA", clear
* Do a 1 to Many merge/join between the points and the IR file
sort v001
merge v001 using ngpts.dta
* Show that the merge was 100% successful and then drop the unneed column
tab _merge
drop _merge id
* Save the merged file
save NG_Merged, replace
The merge was 100% successful
_merge | Freq. Percent Cum.
3 | 8,034 100.00 100.00
Total | 8,034 100.00
4 of the 326 clusters are classified as missing and are found at (0, 0)
SOURCE | Freq. Percent Cum.
GPS | 322 98.77 98.77
MIS | 4 1.23 100.00
Total | 326 100.00
I know that this is in STATA instead of SPSS, but this should be should be helpful.