Following is a response from DHS Senior Research Associate, Cameron Taylor:
Hi Nelly,
Here are the answers to your questions. When you are done with your report please share it with us at DHS. It seems like this is part of a much bigger report that is highlighting DHS malaria data.
- Cameroon 2011: here I guess I need to select only households not selected for the men's questionnaire? i.e. hv027=0?
• Please see this previous user forum post. You are correct in that you should restrict to "if hv027==0" 05&&srch=cameroon+ITN#msg_11105
- Chad 2014-2015
• Same as Cameroon, you need to restrict to households not selected for the men's questionnaire
tab ITNinHH if hv027==0 [iweight=wt]
- Guyana 2005: I found different results by wealth quintile (I have used hv270). Do I need to use a different variable?
• I am matching the report when using variable hv270. I checked StatCompiler (which I am assuming you were using) and the results are different on StatCompiler. I will check with our StatCompiler administrator to get that changed.
g ITNinHH=0
forvalues x=1/2 {
replace ITNinHH=1 if hml10_`x'==1
tab ITNinHH hv270 [iweight=wt], col
- Kenya 2003
• Kenya surveys are slightly different with their ITN variables in that they restrict the indicator to nets that have been treated within 6-months instead of the typical 12 months. You will see country specific variables (sh or s variables) in more recent datasets that include a specific 6-month retreatment. If you want to match the report you should use the following code. If you want the indicator to be the same in a multi-country analysis I would exclude the hml9 variable which is specifying time since last treatment.
gen wt=hv005/1000000
g ITNinHH=0
forvalues x=1/6 {
replace ITNinHH=1 if hml10_`x'==1 & hml9_`x'<6
tab ITNinHH [iweight=wt]
- Pakistan 2006
• I am matching the report using
g ITNinHH=0
forvalues x=1/2 {
replace ITNinHH=1 if hml10_`x'==1
tab ITNinHH [iweight=wt]
- Zambia 2001-2002: I could not find the variable hv270 in this dataset. Have you used another variable than this one?
• Yes this dataset does not include a wealth index variable. You will need to download the wealth index file ZMWI41FL.DTA and merge it into the HR file.
I also found results for Senegal 2015 (for total and all subdivisions) and Mali 2010 (total and by residence only) => Is there a particular reason why those results are not in the stat compiler?
• We are still working on getting Senegal 2015 put on StatCompiler. Since it is a continuous survey it adds a layer of complication. The Mali 2010 A&P survey is a non-standard survey which is why it is not on Stat Compiler.
Please let us know if you have additional questions