Nutritional status of women in Burundi in 2010 [message #12249] |
Mon, 17 April 2017 07:21  |
Messages: 20 Registered: April 2013
Member |
Dear DHS users,
I want to check the results of nutritional status among women using Burundi DHS 2010 data before my analysis.First of all, I want to compute the numbers of women with usable body mass index values according to sociodemographic characterstics. I exclude women who were pregnant at the date of the survey and women who have given birth in the two months preceeding the survey. I don't find the same numbers as those found in the DHS report (table 10.10, page 139). I know this question has already been asked for other countries but I don't happen to find the correct number (except the total number 4015) in Burundi. I used the following STATA commands:
use "BUIR61DT\BUIR61FL.DTA", clear
gen Weig2010= v005/1000000
gen bmi=v445/100
gen bmic=1 if bmi<18.5
replace bmic=2 if bmi>=18.5 & bmi<25
replace bmic=3 if bmi>=25 & bmi<30
replace bmic=4 if bmi>=30 & bmi<50
label define bmic 1"Underweight" 2"Normal" 3"Overweight" 4"Obese"
label values bmic bmic
gen ht_flag=0
replace ht_flag=1 if v438>9000
gen preg_flag=0
replace preg_flag=1 if v213==1
gen months_since_last_birth=v008-b3_01
gen recent_birth_flag=0
replace recent_birth_flag=1 if months_since_last_birth<=2
tab bmic if ht_flag==0 & preg_flag==0 & recent_birth_flag==0 [iweight=v005/1000000]
drop if v213==1
keep if v445<=5940
drop if bmic>4
egen strata = group(v024 v025), label
tab strata
svyset [pweight=Weig2010], strata(strata) psu(v001)
svy: tab bmic, count
gen Age=1 if v012>=15 & v012<=19
replace Age=2 if v012>=20 & v012<=29
replace Age=3 if v012>=30 & v012<=39
replace Age=4 if v012>=40 & v012<=49
label define Age 1"15-19" 2"20-29" 3"30-39" 4"40-49"
label values Age Age
// age, urban, region, education
svy: tab v013 if bmic!=., count
svy: tab Age if bmic!=., count
svy: tab v025 if bmic!=., count
svy: tab v024 if bmic!=., count
svy: tab v106, count
svy: tab v190, count
I don't find the correct numbers for example for age:
Age count
15-19 1119
20-29 1399
30-39 891.5
40-49 695.2
Total 4105
The DHS reported:
Age count
15-19 1113
20-29 1355
30-39 858
40-49 690
Total 4105
Any idea?