* do e:\DHS\India\tables_8pt22_8pt23_do_4Nov2022.txt * Tables 8.22 and 8.23, post-natal care for the woman, NFHS-5 final report use "C:\Users\26216\ICF\Analysis - Shared Resources\Data\DHSdata\IAKR7DFL.DTA", clear * Find the relevant variables describe m62-m68 * Crucial distinction between m62=1 and m66=1 * synthesize m63, m67 (time interval) gen mint_raw=. replace mint_raw=m63 if m62==1 replace mint_raw=m67 if m66==1 * synthesize m64, m68 (provider) gen provider_raw=. replace provider_raw=m64 if m62==1 replace provider_raw=m68 if m66==1 gen provider=. replace provider=1 if provider_raw==11 replace provider=2 if provider_raw==12 replace provider=3 if provider_raw==13 replace provider=4 if provider_raw==22 replace provider=5 if provider_raw==21 replace provider=6 if provider_raw==96 replace provider=7 if provider==. label variable provider "Provider of post-natal care for the woman" label define provider 1 "Doctor" 2 "Nurse/midwife" 3 "Other health personnel" 4 "Dai" 5 "ASHA" 6 "Other" 7 "DK/Missing" label values provider provider gen mint=. label variable mint "Interval from birth to first PNC check, mother" replace mint=1 if (mint_raw>=0 & mint_raw<=103 & provider_raw<96) replace mint=2 if (mint_raw>=104 & mint_raw<=200 & provider_raw<96) replace mint=3 if (mint_raw>=201 & mint_raw<=202 & provider_raw<96) replace mint=4 if (mint_raw>=203 & mint_raw<=300 & provider_raw<96) replace mint=5 if (mint_raw>=301 & mint_raw<=305 & provider_raw<96) replace mint=6 if (mint_raw==998 & provider_raw<960) replace mint=7 if mint==. label define mint 1 "<4 hours" 2 "4-23 hours" 3 "1-2 days" 4 "3-6 days" 5 "7-41 days" 6 "DK" 7 "None" label values mint mint gen mint_2days=0 if mint<. replace mint_2days=1 if mint<=3 gen place=. replace place=1 if m15>20 & m15<30 replace place=2 if m15==33 replace place=3 if m15==31 | m15==32 replace place=4 if m15==11 replace place=5 if m15==13 replace place=6 if m15==12 replace place=7 if place==. label define place 1 "Public health facility" 2 "NGO/trust hosp/clinic" 3 "Private health facility" 4 "Own home" 5 "Parent home" 6 "Other home" 7 "Other/DK/missing" label values place place * Table 8.22 * Last panel only of table 8.22 * Cols 1-7 of last panel of table 8.22 tab place mint [iweight=v005/1000000] if bidx==1, row * Col 9 of last panel of table 8.22 tab place mint_2days [iweight=v005/1000000] if bidx==1, row * Table 8.23 * For this table, provider is changed so last column includes no post-natal care within 6 weeks gen provider_rev=provider replace provider_rev=7 if mint==7 label variable provider_rev "Provider of post-natal care for the woman" label define provider_rev 1 "Doctor" 2 "Nurse/midwife" 3 "Other health personnel" 4 "Dai" 5 "ASHA" 6 "Other" 7 "DK/Missing/None" label values provider_rev provider_rev * Last panel only of table 8.23 tab place provider_rev [iweight=v005/1000000] if bidx==1, row